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Communication problems between ble_peripheral and ble_central in nRF52 project

Hi engineer
I am using two nRF52832 boards to test the communication between ble_peripheral and ble_central. The project used is ble_app_uart and ble_app_uart_c in SDK15.0.
The ble_peripheral and ble_central communication is great if you don't add any requirements.
But now I want to test the security problem, for example, add static key pairing in ble_app_uart. When I use the mobile phone's nRF connect to connect to Bluetooth, I will be prompted to enter the key, but now the problem is to add the key. After the ble_app_uart project, how can I build a connection with the ble_central board?

  • Device: nRF52833 on CorvoDWM3001C (pca10100)
    Soft Device: s140
    SDK Version: 15.0

    Hi Simon

    I am trying to use your code examples. But despite adding files related to peer manager to file explorer and User Include Directories i still get some errors. i try different versions of SDKs and even compare sdk_config.h file line by line with ble_app_gls example which has secure key option. i get following errors. Is there any chance that you share the whole zip file or sdk_config.h file? Also I am adding my sdk_config.h file to attach.

     Output/Debug/Obj/ble_app_uart_pca10056_s140/main.o: in function `pm_evt_handler': 
