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s140 pc-ble-driver 4.0.0 freezes when receiving too many data

I have a nRF52840-PCA10059 dongle.

I have a PCA10040 dev boeard on which I programmed the ble_app_hrs_freertos_pca10040_s132 example after I modified HEART_RATE_MEAS_INTERVAL and BATTERY_LEVEL_MEAS_INTERVAL variables (lines 100 and 95 of main.c) with value 10 (10ms for 100Hz).

If I connect this fast "Nordic_HRM" using nRF Connect (it programmed my dongle with API v3 SoftDevice, I can connect and get notifications from the device.

If I connect this fast "Nordic_HRM" using heart_rate_collector_v3 or heart_rate_collector_v6 example programs (compiled from, then I only get a few notifications and then the app freezes.

When it's frozen, using a debugger I can see that UartBoost::readHandler is not called anymore. If I press Enter (supposed to toggle notifications OFF), I see written

"Setting HRM CCCD"

I see:

UartBoost::readHandler receives: c0 10 0 0 f0 c0 c0 d6 6e 0 bc 1 9c 11 0 0 0 61 3e c0
SerializationTransport::readHandler receives: 1 9c 11 0 0 0

But "Received write response." never shows up. Looks like the soft device freezed and does not send my anything.

When using heart_rate_collector_v2 with a old nRF51 dongle, I observe no freezing.

When using heart_rate_collector_v3, I kept the SoftDevice programmed by "nRF Connect". Also tried with connectivity_4.0.0_usb_with_s132_3.1.0.hex, same behaviour observed.

When using heart_rate_collector_v6, I used connectivity_4.0.0_usb_with_s140_6.1.0.hex.

"Nordic HRM" unmodified device (low sampling rate) does not freeze.

Any ides what could cause this? What does nRF Connect make differently than heart_rate_collector sample?

  • By the way, we speeded up the device to send data at 250Hz instead of 100Hz. Then the freezing occurs even more regularily. Specially when the PC is loaded (start new app, compile some code...).

    By attaching a debugger, we see the device is never frozen or crashed. It's really the dongle that appears to freeze at some point.

  • Also, as the PC load seems to make the problem occur, could you try again with heart_rate_collector C program and just add a sleep in on_hvx function. If you make the sleep duration increase (5ms, 10ms, 20ms...) this will "simulate" a slow computer and hopefully this will make the dongle freeze occur on your system?

  • Hello Jørgen,

    Did you get a chance to reproduce the issue?

    I tried to work on this issue today. It's true that it is hard to reproduce it using "nRF Connect". I took a new laptop (faster than mine) and I was unable to reproduce the issue.

    However, with heart_rate_collector sample program, taken from and unmodified:

    - In Release, I could not reproduce the problem
    - In Debug, I could not reproduce the problem

    Then I commented sd_rpc_log_handler_severity_filter_set line (to have more logging, slowing down acquisition processus):

    - In Release, I could not reproduce the problem
    - In Debug, I could not reproduce the problem

    Now I added "Sleep(5)" at the beginning of the log_handler function:

    - In Release, I could reproduce the problem, after some seconds, I stop receiving data
    - In Debug, I could reproduce the problem, after some seconds, I stop receiving data

    Hopefully, you can reproduce that now. As we receive data every 10ms, it should be OK to sleep 5ms. And even, sleeping more than 10ms should work as well, this should not freeze the softdevice,it may loose some data being unable to handle them fast enough, but it should not freeze.

    Please let me know if you can reproduce.

    Kind regards,


  • I have still not been able to reproduce this. What did you include to use sleep? Are you sure that log_handler is only being called once every connection interval?

    Have you tried debugging the application on the nRF to see if it reports any error codes, that could explain the behavior?

    Can you provide the sample application in source code, rather than hex, for debugging?

  • Hello Jørgen,

    Here are answers to all your questions:

    - To have "Sleep(5);" work you simply need to include "Windows.h". If you could not add the Sleep statement, then you could not test the change I recommanded on Apr-16 to reproduce the issue? Did you? Hopefuly with that you can reproduce it.

    - I can't tell how many times log_handler is called per connection interval. I don't have this information, I just see when it's invoked. You'll see this in the console once you reproduced the problem as commeted above.

    - Yes we did debug the app. No error detected here.

    - Attached is a zip with the source of the app. It's based on your example, we only modified two lines (in components\ble\ble_services\ble_hrs\ble_hrs.c and examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_hrs_freertos\main.c), flagged by "//MODIF SF" comment). Project to open is examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_hrs_freertos\pca10040\s132\arm5_no_packs\ble_app_hrs_freertos_pca10040_s132.uvprojx.

    Please let me know if combining this app with a Sleep(5) makes it possible for you to reproduce the issue.

    Kind regards,

    Jean Porcherot
