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How to revert nRF51-DK interface MCU firmware back to the J-Link image?

As nRF51-DK User Guide said: "If you have swapped to the mbed image and want to revert back to the J-Link image, download the latest SEGGER J-Link software from and open a debug session to update to the latest J-Link OB firmware version."

I press Reset button and plug in the USB cable, then the LED5 is blinking. After that, the USB identification changed from MBED to JLINK. But it still can not be recognize by nRFgo or Keil. that means I can not use nRFgo studio to flash or erase nRF51822, or even use Keil to debug it. It's still looks like mbed interface.

PS: nRFgo studio Version 1.17.1 Keil Version 5.12 Segger J-link ARM V4.74b

