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Programming different nRF51822 boards how to prog S110 & App?

Hi All,

I am an electronics engineer but new to nRF51822 programming. I have used the PCA10000 & PCA10001 using Nordic SDK, using nRF Studio etc. In nRF Studio, you can program the S110 protocol independently from your own application. I am now trying to program a couple of other modules from a 3rd party, these are: T1RU.hXeXiXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_460x460.jpg And some PTR5518. I came across this posting here: link text.

The posting is useful however, I am a little confused; I understand that I need to use the SWDIO & SWDCLK pins which I am aware of. I am also using an STM32F0discovery board for programming them which I read was able to program these modules: link text albeit for Linux.

My confusion is; what software do I use to do the programming? In the past with Nordic dev boards I used the nRF Studio which would allow me to program S110 and my own app independently. This board has SWDIO & SWDCLK but obviously wont be compatible with nRF Studio which means I cant program S110 and app separately. If I cant do that, how do you program the S110 into the right memory area (as nRF Studio does)?

I am sorry, I hope I have explained it properly. Initially to program the third party units, I connected a board to the SWDIO & SWDCLK of the PCA board and switched off the slide switch next to the Reset button but and tapped the power jumper/headers next to the Reset button, however, something still seems to be missing as it doesnt seem to program it correctly; if I program S110 first and then app, error is returned "CPU not in reset", if I do app first and then S110, no errors but it doesn not seem to be programmed as it doesnt work.

Is there a particular sequence for the SWDIO and Reset & programming procedure?

Any one can help?

Thanks very much. Sean

  • I am sorry for getting your name wrong, it was showing as Cody or maybe I have worked on this thing for too long! As it is I seem to be able to flush both with the right right sequence, but it just doesnt do anything after that. I am using the Nordic ble proximity program for my app as well as the S110. My other problem is that I am not sure how to either package the app & S110 together and program the nRF in one go, just dont know where the app goes or S110 with regards to address space, how do you tell it where to put it etc. so I end up using Nordic' nRF Studio which lets me do all that automatically and knows where to put them! I will Google srec_cat and see what else I can do. My current toolchain is Nordic SDK and all the software that comes with the dev board and Keil. I have just bought a STdescovery board as I read in my earlier link that it could be used to program the 51822 and I am not familiar with the discovery board at all but Keil also supports that. Thanks very much for your input, much appreciated. Cheers

  • Hah, no worries, I realized it was showing my real name instead of a handle, so I changed it.

    All this stuff can be tricky to figure out at first since the information is very scattered around. Your application should start at the end address of the S110, which is 0x16000 for version 7.x.x. The S110 starts at 0x00. I'm not familiar with Keil, so I can't provide specific help, but I'd recommend learning how to specify your memory map to the compiler so your application starts at the right address.

    Srec_cat can help you concatenate hex files and it might even let you shift around their addresses. I know Nordic also provides a similar tool for gluing hex files together but the name escapes me.
