im using Feather EVM. im using the app_ble_uart . after i added SPI to the project i dont get any errors but the code does not run (goes to main) and when i press run it goes into hard fault.
the SPI is enabled.
im using Feather EVM. im using the app_ble_uart . after i added SPI to the project i dont get any errors but the code does not run (goes to main) and when i press run it goes into hard fault.
the SPI is enabled.
i have no need for physical uart pins, i only use it for the ble communication. i am trying to disable it with no is:
app_error_handler_bare(uint32_t error_code = ?)
uart_event_handle(app_uart_evt_t * p_event = ?)
uart_event_handler(struct <Unnamed 41> * p_event = ?, void * p_context = ?)
uart_evt_handler(nrfx_uart_event_t const * p_event = ?, void * p_context = ?)
uarte_irq_handler(NRF_UARTE_Type * p_uarte = 0x40002000, uarte_control_block_t * p_cb = m_cb (0x20003DE0))
<Exception frame>
[nrfx_coredep_delay_us::delay_machine_code + 0]
This looks like it is caused by errors on the UART HW. Try commenting out/remove call to uart_init() in main, this is what initializes the UART peripheral. You will also have to remove calls to app_uart_put() in nus_data_handler(), as calling this when the app_uart library is not initialized will cause errors.
i did it but now in nrf_drv_uart.h , im getting :
Building configuration: ble_app_uart_pca10040_s132 - nrf52832_xxaa
Updating build tree...
Error[Pe020]: identifier "nrf_uarte_baudrate_t" is undefined D:\Documents\Projects\work facilitation\Miter sow\C ble_app org + spi\integration\nrfx\legacy\nrf_drv_uart.h 122
Error[Pe020]: identifier "nrf_uarte_error_mask_t" is undefined D:\Documents\Projects\work facilitation\Miter sow\C ble_app org + spi\integration\nrfx\legacy\nrf_drv_uart.h 127
Error[Pe020]: identifier "nrf_uarte_hwfc_t" is undefined D:\Documents\Projects\work facilitation\Miter sow\C ble_app org + spi\integration\nrfx\legacy\nrf_drv_uart.h 130
Error[Pe020]: identifier "nrf_uarte_parity_t" is undefined D:\Documents\Projects\work facilitation\Miter sow\C ble_app org + spi\integration\nrfx\legacy\nrf_drv_uart.h 133
Error[Pe020]: identifier "nrf_uarte_task_t" is undefined D:\Documents\Projects\work facilitation\Miter sow\C ble_app org + spi\integration\nrfx\legacy\nrf_drv_uart.h 134
Error[Pe020]: identifier "nrf_uarte_event_t" is undefined D:\Documents\Projects\work facilitation\Miter sow\C ble_app org + spi\integration\nrfx\legacy\nrf_drv_uart.h 135
Error[Pe020]: identifier "NRF_UARTE_PSEL_DISCONNECTED" is undefined D:\Documents\Projects\work facilitation\Miter sow\C ble_app org + spi\components\libraries\uart\app_uart_fifo.c 151
Error[Pe020]: identifier "NRF_UARTE_HWFC_DISABLED" is undefined D:\Documents\Projects\work facilitation\Miter sow\C ble_app org + spi\components\libraries\uart\app_uart_fifo.c 154
Error[Pe020]: identifier "NRF_UARTE_HWFC_ENABLED" is undefined D:\Documents\Projects\work facilitation\Miter sow\C ble_app org + spi\components\libraries\uart\app_uart_fifo.c 154
Error[Pe020]: identifier "NRF_UARTE_PARITY_INCLUDED" is undefined D:\Documents\Projects\work facilitation\Miter sow\C ble_app org + spi\components\libraries\uart\app_uart_fifo.c 156
Error[Pe020]: identifier "NRF_UARTE_PARITY_EXCLUDED" is undefined D:\Documents\Projects\work facilitation\Miter sow\C ble_app org + spi\components\libraries\uart\app_uart_fifo.c 156
Error while running C/C++ Compiler
Error[Pe020]: identifier "nrf_uarte_baudrate_t" is undefined D:\Documents\Projects\work facilitation\Miter sow\C ble_app org + spi\integration\nrfx\legacy\nrf_drv_uart.h 122
Error[Pe020]: identifier "nrf_uarte_error_mask_t" is undefined D:\Documents\Projects\work facilitation\Miter sow\C ble_app org + spi\integration\nrfx\legacy\nrf_drv_uart.h 127
Error[Pe020]: identifier "nrf_uarte_hwfc_t" is undefined D:\Documents\Projects\work facilitation\Miter sow\C ble_app org + spi\integration\nrfx\legacy\nrf_drv_uart.h 130
Error[Pe020]: identifier "nrf_uarte_parity_t" is undefined D:\Documents\Projects\work facilitation\Miter sow\C ble_app org + spi\integration\nrfx\legacy\nrf_drv_uart.h 133
Error[Pe020]: identifier "nrf_uarte_task_t" is undefined D:\Documents\Projects\work facilitation\Miter sow\C ble_app org + spi\integration\nrfx\legacy\nrf_drv_uart.h 134
Error[Pe020]: identifier "nrf_uarte_event_t" is undefined D:\Documents\Projects\work facilitation\Miter sow\C ble_app org + spi\integration\nrfx\legacy\nrf_drv_uart.h 135
Error[Pe550]: variable "config" was set but never used D:\Documents\Projects\work facilitation\Miter sow\C ble_app org + spi\integration\nrfx\legacy\nrf_drv_uart.c 124
Error[Pe550]: variable "m_handlers" was set but never used D:\Documents\Projects\work facilitation\Miter sow\C ble_app org + spi\integration\nrfx\legacy\nrf_drv_uart.c 49
Error[Pe550]: variable "m_contexts" was set but never used D:\Documents\Projects\work facilitation\Miter sow\C ble_app org + spi\integration\nrfx\legacy\nrf_drv_uart.c 50
Error while running C/C++ Compiler
Total number of errors: 20
Total number of warnings: 0
You must have made more changes than the ones I suggested to get those errors. Did you modify sdk_config.h or remove some includes/source files?
thank you. after clearing all the errors its working.