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Connecting UART Data to development board PCA10040

I am trying to transfer data from a USB to serial converter board (called board A) to the nrf5 board (called board B). I made the connection over a bread board, the transmitter from board A  is connected to pin 06 on board B, it is also at the same time connected to the receive in Board A. I am sending zeros and receiving zeros at board A. I want to see these zeros at board B.

The baud rate on both is adjusted to 19200. The ground is connected on both boards.

I started uart_pca10040 example but I don't get any data received on board B. I tried to connect pin 5 with 7 for CTS and DTR but also I don't see any data.

The data voltage on Board B is 2.1 V.

  • Solved:

    Here is the solution:

    1- Use pin 3 and 2 and disable the rts and cts

    static void uart_init(void)
        uint32_t                     err_code;
        app_uart_comm_params_t const comm_params =
            .rx_pin_no    = 3, //RX_PIN_NUMBER,
            .tx_pin_no    = 2,//TX_PIN_NUMBER,
    //        .rts_pin_no   = 17, //RTS_PIN_NUMBER,
    //        .cts_pin_no   = 18, //CTS_PIN_NUMBER,
            .flow_control = APP_UART_FLOW_CONTROL_DISABLED,
            .use_parity   = false,
    #if defined (UART_PRESENT)
            .baud_rate    = NRF_UART_BAUDRATE_115200
            .baud_rate    = NRF_UARTE_BAUDRATE_115200

    2- don't connect any leds because it seems that drawing any amount of rel. current will disable the data transfer

    3- connect board A (serial to usb) to board B (PCA10040)


    Rx (board A) - Pin 2 (Board B)

    Tx (board A) - Pin3 (Board B)

    4- Install the mac usbto serial port driver  (or use Serial app because it has internal drivers but cost 25$)

    My driver was based on this link

    5- Using cool Term connect to your usb-serial port

    6- using segger

    in my main loop i sent 1 and 255 for testing

        for (;;)
                   uint32_t err_code = app_uart_put(1);
                    if ((err_code != NRF_SUCCESS) && (err_code != NRF_ERROR_BUSY))
                        NRF_LOG_ERROR("Failed receiving NUS message. Error 0x%x. ", err_code);
                         NRF_LOG_ERROR("received data");

    7- if you connection is correct, you should see the 1 (byte sent) in cool term
  • The next problem i have:

    it worked once and then i slept the pc and when i opened it again, it did not work any more. But i could see it sending 255 and then 1s. Is there a problem with ttl level?
