Tried to flash ncp .hex for pca10059 on a brand new dongle and now it is stuck in dfu (pulsing red led). The process worked on a second dongle without any issues.
Something is wrong with the dongle?
Tried to flash ncp .hex for pca10059 on a brand new dongle and now it is stuck in dfu (pulsing red led). The process worked on a second dongle without any issues.
Something is wrong with the dongle?
nrfjprog --recover
Recovering device. This operation might take 30s.
Erasing user code and UICR flash areas.
nrfjprog -f nrf52 --memrd 0x10001014 --n 4
0x10001014: 6603400A |[email protected]|
DFU doesn't boot anymore
You'll have to revert it to production bootloader after this. Please see the Revert to production bootloader section in the dongle programming tutorial for instructions.
Here is the system report
# nRFConnect System Report - 2019-09-12T15-28-26.750Z
- System: Apple Inc. MacBookPro14,3
- BIOS: Apple Inc.
- CPU: 1 x Intel® Core i7-7820HQ 2.90 GHz 8 cores (4 physical)
- Memory: 315.9 MB free of 16 GB total
- Filesystem: /dev/disk1s1 (HFS) 465.6 GB 95.2% used
- OS: Mac OS X (10.14.6) darwin x64
- Versions
- kernel: 18.7.0
- git: 2.20.1
- node: 12.0.0
- python: 2.7.10
- python3:
- Connected devices:
- /dev/tty.usbmodem0006837357031: 000683735703 PCA10056
- Current device:
- family: nRF52
- type: nRF52840
- romBaseAddr: 0x00
- romSize: 1024 KiB
- ramSize: 256 KiB
- pageSize: 4 KiB
- blAddrOffset: 0x14
- blockSize: 512
- ficrBaseAddr: 0x10000000
- ficrSize: 1024
- uicrBaseAddr: 0x10001000
- uicrSize: 1024
- mbrBaseAddr: 0x00
- mbrParamsOffset: 24
- mbrSize: 4096
The system report looks fine. Any luck recovering the Dongle? Could you upload the log file when you try to flash it using the nRFConnect programmer as well?
Best regards,
Still not working. Here is the log