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Startup Troubles on Dev Kit

I was able one time to power up the nRF9160 dev kit and see it connect to the cellular network and to nRF Cloud. Since then, it will only blink LED3, which indicates that it can't connect. I would like to re-flash the firmware, but I'm totally lost in all the circular links in the documentation. I have used the nRF52832 dev kit extensively so I'm quite familiar with the process, but it appears the nRF9160 dev kti adds several more layers of complexity. I would like to be able to load a simple "hello world" application, and then build on that with my application source code. Please guide me to some concise documentation.

  • The website is still cutting off the end of this thread.

    I can now load and build the Asset Tracker app, and it appears to be downloading to the EVkit, after some fits and giggles. The first time it said it needed to download new firmware, strongly recommended, so with some trepidation I allowed it to do so. Then in crashed when it retried, because the firmware takes much too long to reboot. After it was fully back up, I closed everything and tried again. This time it didn't ask but seemed to download the bootstrap loader again without prompting. I have tried both "build and run" and "build and debug" from SES with the same result. A few blinks of the master LED on the board, and nary a peep from the LEDs on the nRF9160, of which 3 and 4 are described as lit or blinking for the various states, once I found the text describing how the app is supposed to run.

    Is there any hope for this tool to be ready for prime time any time soon, or should I move on to other solutions?

  • Hi.


    SteveHx said:
    I can now load and build the Asset Tracker app

     Great to hear.

    If you now can open and build a project in SES, I recommend that you open a new case with your problems with the asset tracker application.

    That way, it is easier to keep focus on the issue, and you will be able to load the whole thread.

    Best regards,

