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issue with nRF connect getting started and Embedded Studio


I have installed Embedded Studio and acquired a Nordic license. However the Tools/Options... nRF Connect menu option does not appear. I tried creating a dummy Nordic project but that didn't fix the problem. Here are the instructions from the Getting Started guide. What did I miss?  

BTW, I submitted this as a Segger support issue and they sent me back here.

Navigate to the folder where you extracted SEGGER Embedded Studio. Double-click SEGGER Embedded Studio for

Click Tools > Options and select the nRF Connect tab.

To load and build a project in SES, you must specify the following information:

  • Additional CMake Options - -D WEST=<path to west executable>, for example -D WEST=~/Library/Python/3.7/bin/west

  • Zephyr Base - the location of your cloned Zephyr repository (the full path to ncs/zephyr)

  • GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain Directory - the location of your GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain installation (for example, /opt/gnuarmemb)

  • CMake - the path is /usr/local/bin/cmake by default

  • DTC - the path is /usr/local/bin/dtc by default

  • Ninja - the path is /usr/local/bin/ninja by default

  • Python - the path is /usr/local/bin/python3 by default
Mark done
  • What version of the Getting Started Assistant did you follow? I am looking at v1.0.2 and I'm seeing the following message:

    "Navigate to the folder where you extracted SEGGER Embedded Studio. In the bin subfolder, run emStudio."

    Not the following:

    "Navigate to the folder where you extracted SEGGER Embedded Studio. Double-click SEGGER Embedded Studio for"

    Try opening the execuable <..>/arm_segger_embedded_studio_v420a_win_x(86 or 64)_nordic/bin/emstudio.exe

    Best regards,


  • Hello Simon,

    Here is the version information.

    MacOS 10.14.6

    Getting Started Assistant 1.0.2

    nRF Connect 3.2.0

    SES 4.22

    I don't have an "emstudio" in the bin directory.

  • Did you execute these steps in the Getting Started assistant?:

    When I clicked on Windows X86, I downloaded a zipped filed, then after extracting it I found the exe file in arm_segger_embedded_studio_v420a_win_x86_nordic\bin\emStudio.exe

    I am copying in the download link here: Windows X86

    Hopefully you are able to make it work now.

    Best regards,


  • I don’t remember if I downloaded SES directly or used the Getting Started link. If this is a special version of SES to support Nordic, it should be in big letters EVERYWHERE. The Segger site and everywhere else on the Nordic site, you are told you only need a license, not a special version. 

    Note, I am on a Mac not Windows. 

  • To my knowledge it is stated quite clearly that the Nordic Edtition of SEGGER Embedded Studio should be used when developing an NCS application.

    In the NCS documentation it says the following:

    "The recommended way of building and programming an nRF Connect SDK sample is to use the Nordic Edition of the SEGGER Embedded Studio (SES) IDE."

    After this, in the documentation, download links for Windows, Mac and Linux are provided for the Nordic Edition of SES.

    Also, the different getting started tutorials (NCS tutorial & Getting Started with nRF9160 DK) all points to the Getting Started Assistant in the nRF Connect App, and tells the user to complete this first. In that app, the following is stated:

    "The recommended way of building and programming an nRF Connect SDK sample is to use the Nordic Edition of the SEGGER Embedded Studio (SES) IDE. SEGGER Embedded Studio is free of charge for use with Nordic Semiconductor devices."

    However, you are the customer, and I would like to hear your opinion. How did you approach it when learning/setting up NCS? Did you follow the Getting Started guide? If so, how should we improve it in order to avoid confusions like this? Did you mix the Nordic Edition with the regular one? I can see that we are only providing download links for windows. I am not sure why this is, I will look into it and get back to you.

    However, here is the MAC download link for SES (Nordic Edition): SEGGER Embedded Studio (Nordic Edition) - Mac OS x64

    Good luck with your project and developing with the nRF Connect SDK

    Best regards,

