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characteristic_add returns error 16 NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR


As the title states when I try to add characteristic to my custom service the function returns error 16.

I have set NRF_SDH_BLE_VS_UUID_COUNT and adjusted the linker accordingly. 

The offending code:

uint8_t dfu_encoded_value = 0;
//memset(dfu_encoded_value, 0,sizeof(ble_dfu_service_t));
ble_add_char_params_t add_dfu_params;
memset(&add_dfu_params, 0,sizeof(ble_dfu_service_t));
SEGGER_RTT_printf(0, "[%s %s %d]dfu_encoded_value ptr: %p\n\r",__FILE__,__func__,__LINE__,&dfu_encoded_value);
add_dfu_params.uuid 				= CHARACTERISTIC_DFU_UUID;
add_dfu_params.uuid_type 			= ble_uuid.type;
add_dfu_params.max_len 				= sizeof(ble_dfu_service_t);
add_dfu_params.init_len 			= sizeof(ble_dfu_service_t);
add_dfu_params.p_init_value 		= &dfu_encoded_value;     = 1;
add_dfu_params.char_props.write    = 1;
add_dfu_params.read_access         = SEC_OPEN;
add_dfu_params.write_access 	    = SEC_OPEN;
// 1 for variable length and 0 for fixed length.
add_dfu_params.is_var_len = 1;
SEGGER_RTT_printf(0, "[%s %s %d]add_dfu_params.p_init_value ptr: %p\n\r",__FILE__,__func__,__LINE__,add_dfu_params.p_init_value);

err_code = characteristic_add(p_service->service_handle,&add_dfu_params,&(p_service->dfu));

if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS) {
	SEGGER_RTT_printf(0, "%s %d error: %d\n\r",__FILE__,__LINE__,err_code);
	return err_code;

debug print
 0> [../main.c main 372]Program Start
 0> [../svr/service.c ble_name_service_init 631]dfu_encoded_value ptr: 2000FEEB
 0> [../svr/service.c ble_name_service_init 643]add_dfu_params.p_init_value ptr: 2000FEEB
 0> ../svr/service.c 648 error: 16
 0> [../svr/nrf_ble_es.c services_init 476]error 16

Suspecting an invalid pointer at add_dfu_params.p_init_value but have try multiple different methods of declaring the pointer with no luck.

Have gotten it to print error 12 at times.

This is code ported from a NRF52840 to a NRF52832.
Started the make file of the NRF52832 from example code.
The base example is ble_app_eddystone.
The service add just fine if I remove the code.

Using SDK15.3
Compiler GNU Tools ARM Embedded/  2018-q2-update

