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SES Error Reported Failed to Download Application

After pressing F5 I get.

Preparing target for download
Executing Reset script TargetInterface.resetAndStop()
Reset: Halt core after reset via DEMCR.VC_CORERESET.
Reset: Reset device via AIRCR.SYSRESETREQ.
Downloading ‘s132_nrf52_6.1.1_softdevice.hex’ to J-Link
Programming 2.7 KB of addresses 00000000 — 00000aff
Programming 144.3 KB of addresses 00001000 — 0002514f
Download successful
Downloading ‘nuBorn.elf’ to J-Link
Programming 73.9 KB of addresses 00026000 — 000387c7
Programming 0.0 KB of addresses 000387c8 — 000387db
Programming 5.9 KB of .rodata addresses 000387dc — 00039fd7
Programming 0.0 KB of addresses 00039fd8 — 0003a02b
Download failed

It worked before I updated SES to 4.30a.  I can debug using 4.30a on my laptop with the same hardware (u-blox evk-nina-302) without any problem. 

  • 6) I am using Nordic SDK 15.3.0

    7) There are two projects that I am working with:.nuBorn and PEP_Module.  nuBorn is a branch of PEP_Module. myProj was another variant. Sorry for the confusion.  In my effort to isolate the problem, I have tried many variations.  PEP_Module is the more stable, So I will stick with that from now on.

    8) I have not programmed any of the examples since before the problem started. Is there a particular example you want me to try?

  • Does not matter what example you try, main important thing is to open in Segger Embedded Studio and verify that you are able to build and program your device with it. The simplest example would be the Beacon Transmitter Sample Application. You'll find this in examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_beacon\pca10056\s140\ses\ble_app_beacon_pca10056_s140.emProject

    If this does not work, I suggest cleaning your installs. First check the path of Segger J-Link in Windows Environment, and the nRF Command Line tools. If these are correct, then you need verify that you have only one instance installed of each. 

    Last suggestion is to uninstall Segger J-Link and nRF Command Line Tools, then reinstall both.

  • Finally got it working again.  I uninstalled: SES, J-Link, and the 3 Windows Driver Packages - Segger ...  using the control panel Programs and Features.  I used regedit to delete all Segger, J-Link and jlink Keys (caution - this may require re-installation of some other programs with dependencies on these keys). I installed SES 4.20a (this was the original version the code was developed on), J-link V6.54c, upgraded SES to 4.30c and restarted my PC.  

    I suspect the problem originated when I updated to SES 4.30a, but installed it on C: instead of E: where 4.20a was originally installed. After that, re-installing on drive E: did not fix the problem.  So, I believe the registry keys, which are not removed when uninstalling, were incorrect after the the C: drive installation and thus had to be deleted before re-installing everything. 

    Thanks for  your help.

  • I had the same issue, I deleted the build folder and it works again.
