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Receiving data from UART via a peripheral device


I am working with a Nordic nrf52840dk using segge and sdk 16.

I am using the nordic UART example in examples/peripheral/uart.

The issue I am having is that my data being sent to this device can not be read from the nordic board.

Below is an example of the code going into my Putty terminal from my UART peripheral device.


This device has 4 wire connections RX,TX,CTS and RTS. My connections are listed below:

Note this is the default.

#define RX_PIN_NUMBER  8
#define TX_PIN_NUMBER  6
#define CTS_PIN_NUMBER 7
#define RTS_PIN_NUMBER 5

The first thing i tried was running the code with no change to see if app_uart_get(&cr) would pull this data. Unfortunately it did not. It does however, pull data that i type into the terminal.

What I want to do is to take this data from the UART(Sensor data) and store it as a variable for handling later on.

I which to know how I can pull this data from the serial connection.

Side note when the device (UART) is plugged in printing from putty does not run. If I unplug the device then printing works fine.  Below is my main code (from example).

int main(void)
    uint32_t err_code;


    const app_uart_comm_params_t comm_params =
#if defined (UARTE_PRESENT)
#if defined (UART_PRESENT)



    printf("\r\nUART example started.\r\n");

    while (true)
        uint8_t cr;
        while (app_uart_get(&cr) != NRF_SUCCESS);
        while (app_uart_put(cr) != NRF_SUCCESS);

        if (cr == 'q' || cr == 'Q')
            printf(" \r\nExit!\r\n");

            while (true)
                // Do nothing.

    // This part of the example is just for testing the loopback .
    while (true)

  • Hi,

    That's strange. I cannot see if the individual pins are correct from the photo, but the pin configuration is the same as I used with the code from my previous post. Can you try to set breakpoints at both line 129 and line 130 and see? Does it still not move between them?

  • The pinouts are : RX 26, TX 27, Cts 28 and Rts 29. 

    Also no it does not move between lines 129 and 130. It breaks at 129, then when i let the breakpoint go nothing happens.

  • What is the data coming out of your UART device and going into the nordic board, is it a similar format to my data (shown above ASCII data). As my data is received with \r\n at the end not sure if that is an issue. Also what are your specific pin outs? Just to remove as much variance as possible. Also what configuration settings do I need in my sdk_config.h I've not changed anything but, want to double check.

    Also did you use the NRF52840 for you test?

  • Hi,

    I tested on the nRF52840 DK with an unmodified sdk_config.h from the example and a slightly modified pca10056.h (see the diff below).

    diff --git a/components/boards/pca10056.h b/components/boards/pca10056.h
    index 8689dc0..ec9ec2f 100644
    --- a/components/boards/pca10056.h
    +++ b/components/boards/pca10056.h
    @@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ extern "C" {
     #define BSP_BUTTON_2   BUTTON_3
     #define BSP_BUTTON_3   BUTTON_4
    -#define RX_PIN_NUMBER  8
    -#define TX_PIN_NUMBER  6
    -#define CTS_PIN_NUMBER 7
    -#define RTS_PIN_NUMBER 5
    +#define RX_PIN_NUMBER  26
    +#define TX_PIN_NUMBER  27
    +#define CTS_PIN_NUMBER 28
    +#define RTS_PIN_NUMBER 29
     #define HWFC           true
     #define BSP_QSPI_SCK_PIN   19

    The data I tested was just a counter character followed by \r\n, so three bytes all in all. But it should not matter that much, other than this simple example does not handle what happens when the buffer overflows. It is just intended as a simple example to be tested with a debugger using breakpoints.

    Since the SW should be good, there are just two things left that I can think of as potential problems:

    • Is the voltage of the UART signal sensible? It should ideally be VDD for 1, and 0 V for 0 (though you have some slack, as specified under GPIO Electrical Specification.
    • Could it be that you have mixed the signals and swapped the Rx and Tx wires by a mistake?
  • H Einar,

    For some reason today when I run it I get an error NRF_BREAKPOINT_COND.

    The following comment is the system can only recover with a reset.

    I've tried checked the wiring of the device today and it seems correct.

    It may have been an issue wiring yestarday as when i remove the uart wires it loops on the app_uart_get.

    Before it stops working it goes into app_error_handler

    void app_error_handler(ret_code_t error_code, uint32_t line_num, const uint8_t * p_file_name)
        __ASM volatile(
