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Notification Enabled by event or poll

Should we keep track of this by monitoring the write events or poll the gatts value via the softdevice?

It looks like it's faster (+shorter = less consumption) to monitor the event, as to poll the value seems like a lot of code overhead, which I would then have to execute for every request to the state.

At the same time I wonder why the SoftDevice is not already providing boolean "properties" for this stuff, and is keeping track of it behind the scenes.

All of this brings me back to another ongoing question on my mind... Why are you not using c++ which would really make it a lot easier to organise and reuse the code and hereby keep the overall size and execution cycles shorter?

The only reason I can think of is to make sure that every code path is as "lightweight" as possible with simple C99 procedural code - which is probably true for most simple uses. However, when you add more complexity (and I think the SD is knocking on the door, if it's not already entered the room :-) , it's not a lightweight scenario anymore, and you'll start to copy the samme patterns all over the place and loosing the advanced data+code management OOP gives you.

Well, since I've not coded at this level for many years I might have overlooked the obvious reasons for keeping it in straight C99 only :-)
