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pynrfjprog path'////' on windows 20H2 system, please fix this bug

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

The questions are as follows:

1. I originally used the following python script to upgrade the modem firmware, can be upgraded normally.


2. When I replace the new operating system and reinstall the nrf9160 development environment, the following error occurs when I use this script again:
3. How to solve this kind of environment configuration problem:

4. Similar problems are often encountered when configuring such a development environment for customers, but there has been no solution.

5.This issue occurs in the following operating systems:

This problem is mainly the latest windows operating system file path for double '//', py script reported an error, the path is not available

The old windwos operating system is a single '/', py script is available

The exact error is located here:

Any question, please let me know.

Thank you for all your assistance.
Kind regards,
