I wanted to know the RSSI value where the receiver saturates when receiving data from a high output power transmitter.
I wanted to know the RSSI value where the receiver saturates when receiving data from a high output power transmitter.
The rssi valid range is -90 to -20 dBm. Please see Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) specifications.
In addition you need to do tethered measurements to know the strength of the input signal.
Valid range is -90 to -20 dBm, so the signal strength I see of -14dBm is not very accurate? Also i wanted to know why it saturates at -14dBm and not go above it. I feel it should go above -14dBm because i see that value at 30cm distance between transmitter and receiver and still see the same value when I touch them together
The RSSI is designed to have a valid range of -90 to -20 and will saturate somewhere above that. Seems that is around -14 dBm, but it is not something we specify as it is out of range.
okay, so I'll take it as a saturation level. Thanks for your help