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Soft Device 5.2.0, GCC and MacOS X

With Soft Device 5.1.0 I generated the binaries from the hex by doing:

arm-none-eabi-objcopy -Iihex -Obinary --remove-section .sec1 --remove-section .sec2 s110_nrf51822_5.1.0_softdevice.hex s110_nrf51822_5.1.0_softdevice_uicr.bin arm-none-eabi-objcopy -Iihex -Obinary --remove-section .sec3 s110_nrf51822_5.1.0_softdevice.hex s110_nrf51822_5.1.0_softdevice_mainpart.bin

When I do this with Soft Device 5.2.0 the uicr binary is 20B and the BLE stack doesn't work. When I substitute the uicr binary generated from 5.1.0 it does work though.

Is this a problem or am I doing something stupid?

Thanks, Robert

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