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ERRORSRC 0x1 on UART handler


On my custom board, I'm receiving chunks of UART data, without flow control, at 115200bps. Sometimes (its quite frequent now... sometimes after 10 chunks, sometimes after 100 chunks), im getting ERRORSRC 1 on APP_ERROR_HANDLER(p_event->data.error_communication); line.

My board doesn't include a 32kHz oscillator, and Im using NRF_CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_RC_250_PPM_250MS_CALIBRATION as my clock source (I don't care about current consumption). I'm also using SDK 8 with SoftDevice 8.0.0.

What would cause this? Any idea how to solve it?

edit Edited title so it makes more clear. Thanks @RK

  • Happy you got it going. You got me to read the latest spec and understand better how much the new CPU mutex avoidance aids performance. Those timings are night and day different.

    I am looking forward to using the NRF52 more, that EasyDMA support really makes most of these issues go away, it's a very welcome advance.

  • The only annoying stuff I'm getting now is on connection setup. I have the data coming every 1 second at 115200. While I'm connected, advertising, sending data its fine. But when I'm disconnected and try to connect, I run into overrun errors again (I guess the connection setup takes a huge time). Is there any way to delay the connection, so it can allow the connection exactly after the UART data has been copied? Maybe if I only let the connection begin right after the UART is clear, I can connect in little less than a second and not lose any packet.

  • Nevermind. I was getting another error which leaded me to overrun. Fixed that one and this one is gone. It's very rare to have a overrun error now. And when I do, I just drop the packet and the application adapts accordingly. Thanks =)
