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RGB LED with NRF5340


I need your help to know "How to control RGB LED using PWM in nrf5340?". I have already tried the "RGB_led" sample in NRFconnect SDK v1.5.0 

But can't able to control my led. Kindly Support me to understand the Project and also to get output.

Thanks & Regards 

Navin Chakravarthy K

  • Also make sure you have the latest version of nRF Connect SDK.

    Hi priyanka

    all the others are verified. I am using nrf connect sdk v 1.5.0

    Thanks & Regards


  • Hi,

    Could you verify this program on the nRF5340 DK, using the nRF Connect SDK version 1.7.0?

  • Hi Priyanka 

    I need to know two things

    1) What is the difference are there between NCS version 1.5.0 & 1.7.0

    2) I have given 20000 for pulse red it glows the pink color. But I need red color how to give the  proper pulse value

  • Mr.NCK said:
    1) What is the difference are there between NCS version 1.5.0 & 1.7.0

    version 1.7.0 is an updated version. Please refer the release notes for further details.

    Mr.NCK said:
    2) I have given 20000 for pulse red it glows the pink color. But I need red color how to give the  proper pulse value

    Are you using a digital RGB LED? Because the steps mentioned and the discussions were meant for an analog RGB LED. You just have to connect the corresponding pins to R, G and B respectively and give the common cathode to ground. Kindly try with an analog RGB LED.

    Kindly check the datasheet of the RGB LED that you are using for the information about what colour, intensity and temperature and even the voltage levels.
