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multilink example in nrf52810


is it any possibilities to multilink central with s112 in nrf52810 chip?

using sdk: sdk14

actually, i am using sdk14 with one central and one peripheral is fine, is any possibilities with s112 one central at a time connected two peripherals?

otherwise is any possibilities multilink with s112(nrf52810)?



  • Hi Naren

    As mentioned here the S112 supports peripheral links only, so you can not be in the central state. 

    It is possible to run the S132 SoftDevice on the nRF52810 in order to implement central functionality, but please keep in mind that running multilink applications require quite a lot of memory (both flash and RAM), so the nRF52810 might not be the best fit for this. 

    Best regards

  • Thanks for reply,

    I am setting to NRF_SDH_BLE_CENTRAL_LINK_COUNT=1 ,it is working fine for ( 1 central and 1 peripheral )connection is fine(data also sending),but i am changed to NRF_SDH_BLE_CENTRAL_LINK_COUNT=2 for (1 central and 1 peripheral) it gets fatal error like these

    0> <info> app: scan_start
    0> <info> app: Connecting to target C2:DF:94:57:17:D1
    0> <info> app: p_ble_evt->evt.gap_evt.conn_handle : 0
    0> <info> app: scan_start ret:0
    0> <info> app: scan_start
    0> <info> app: Discovery complete.
    0> <info> app: Connected to device with Nordic UART Service.
    0> <info> app: Active Connection = 1
    0> <info> app: scan_start ret:8
    0> <info> app: scan_start
    0> <error> app: Fatal error

    Here error gets  NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE whenever NRF_SDH_BLE_CENTRAL_LINK_COUNT incremented.

  • WE are already buyed  BT832AF Modules

    Is it any possibilities to 1 central with two peripherals only?

    If It is any possibilities, please guide me

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Naren

    Are you able to share your sdk_config.h file with me so I can take a look at all the configuration settings?

    Have you considered using a more up to date SDK than SDK v14?

    Best regards
