Using nrf_regulators_system_off in newer Connect SDKs

I am having difficulty getting the nrf_regulators_system_off function to work correctly on newer versions of the Connect SDK.

In earlier versions v1.3 and such, the call would power down the 9160 to a very low current draw. Now, when I use it, i see a power draw compatible to all threads idle.

I suspect this has something to do with the rearchitecting of the SPM configuration file and that I'm not successfully granting non-secure rights to the power regulators but I'm not sure. All the posts on this topic (that I've found) are relatively old and reference older SDK versions.

It would be quite helpful to have a simple modern, example that compiled for the latest SDKs (I'm on v1.6.1 but v1.7 is fine) that powered off the 9160 and restarted it with a button press.


