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Good evening,

The following link to "TIMER HAL" lists various enums, including for example "NRF_TIMER_BIT_WIDTH_32 (alias of) = TIMER_BITMODE_BITMODE_32Bit". I've used such enums several times, and the syntax seems quite self explanatory.

However, I've now come across for example "TIMER_BITMODE_BITMODE_32Bit << TIMER_BITMODE_BITMODE_Pos"

I realise that some variables are defined in files such as the nrf52840.h file, and that some things are documented in Nordic's Info Centre, and that other relevant info is elsewhere.

So, after a couple of hours searching for various search terms that include variations of "TIMER_BITMODE_BITMODE_Pos", I still haven't found any reference to it.

Therefore, please can someone kindly explain to me, in particular, what the "_Pos" part means? and does? and where I can find reference to it?

Thank you, Gary. 
