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OTA DFU Stuck in pending

I have adapted and incorporated the NCS OTA DFU sample into my project. Initially, FOTA updates have been working. Now, after pushing an update, the image is stuck pending in slot=1 (see mcumgr output below). It does not swap to slot=0 after a reset. Additionally, I can't erase or overwrite this image from slot=1. I get various errors like "Mcu Mgr Error: BAD_STATE (6)" or "Mcu Mgr Error: NO_MEMORY (2)".

This device is already deployed so programming pins are inaccessible; remote management is the only way I can possibly recover this.

Lastly, and I'm not sure if this matters, I wanted to use the LittleFS but it was conflicting with NVS so I made this change the nrf repo:

Is there any I can complete this update or cancel it and start a new one?

sudo mcumgr --conntype ble <connection string> image list

 image=0 slot=0
    version: 0.0.0
    bootable: true
    flags: active confirmed
    hash: 8cc09b4293faaac3c0d613aaadbeab0aefc4fd87aa85ecc3ad29ac4edbfc3e41
 image=0 slot=1
    version: 0.0.0
    bootable: true
    flags: pending
    hash: 20e3bbee692b24aeb6bdb9cb5cf3fbb8ccc9929ce5cf58cebfc5f2ddf3c771cc
Split status: N/A (0)

BT40F (nRF5340)
git describe in sdk-nrf: v1.8.0-97-gb57588840
git describe in sdk-zephyr: v2.7.0-ncs1-25-g2dca349769

  • > But I haven't seen the issue DFU Stuck in pending in your test. Could you clarify ?

    See how in step 9 I do an image reset and (20e3bbe) goes into pending? After a device reset in step (20e3bbe) remains in slot 1 with the pending flag instead of swapping into slot 0. It stays like this indefinitely.

    > I believe there should be a workaround if you place the littlefs location correctly,

    The solution that I'm going with moving forward is to simply not allow the partition layout to change between OTA upgrades by using a pm_static.yml file.
