I'm running nRF Connect SDK v1.9.0 on two nRF52840-DK devices, one Peripheral other Central.
My application requires to initiate pairing, i.e. send pair request, programmatically.
For testing, I created a Peripheral device with a Service and two Characteristics.
Via nRF Connect Desktop tool and nRF 52840 dongle, I can connect to that device, when connection establishes, it stays in "unencrypted link" status.
Then via Desktop tool, I click on "Pair" on the device settings configuration and it does pair with my Peripheral and gets into "encrypted link" mode.
I want to accomplish same thing with my other nRF52840-DK device which is in Central role.
Is there a way to initiate pair request manually ? I couldn't see an API call for that.
All comments/hints are greatly appreciated.