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Manual firmware upload to trigger MCUBoot swap


I have implemented BT FOTA process for my zephyr based application. DFU over Bluetooth works fine.
But now I struggle to implement manual upload of image (it will be done via spi in future).

What I'm trying to do?
I want to generate .hex or .bin file shifted to slot1 address space and flash this file via west to trigger mcuboot swap.

As far as I know, west build does not generate .hex file with shifted addresses that can trigger DFU procedure.
There is app_update.bin - it is working fine when i upload via bluetooth with NCS application. But i would like to upload this file via west,
then reboot my MCU and see that mcu boot swaps images - but this didn't happen for now Disappointed

I tried with all .hex files generated by west, I also translated app_update.bin to .hex with this tool:
arm-none-eabi-objcopy --change-addresses  0x3E000 -I binary -O ihex build/zephyr/app_update.bin app_update.hex
But flashing this hex via west also does not trigger swap and always old image is booted.

Maybe you guys are able to point what I am missing here. Official BT DFU was warking excellent, but my app has to handle OTA over interfaces not supported by zephyr.
This is why I have to implement manual upload.

