API bt_hci_cmd_send_sync() is returning -5 error


I am trying to write some code that sets the BLE Tx power on the nRF52833 SoC.

I have based my code on the sample example code provided at C:\Zypher\v1.7.0\zephyr\samples\bluetooth\hci_pwr_ctrl\src\main.c and in particular in the function set_tx_power().

static result_t bluetooth_set_ble_tx_power( uint8_t handle_type, uint16_t handle, int8_t tx_pwr_lvl )
    struct bt_hci_cp_vs_write_tx_power_level    *cp;
    struct bt_hci_rp_vs_write_tx_power_level    *rp;
    struct net_buf                              *buf, *rsp = NULL;
    result_t                                    result = RESULT_ERROR;

    buf = bt_hci_cmd_create( BT_HCI_OP_VS_WRITE_TX_POWER_LEVEL, sizeof(*cp) );
    if ( buf )
        cp                  = net_buf_add( buf, sizeof(*cp) );
        cp->handle          = sys_cpu_to_le16( handle );
        cp->handle_type     = handle_type;
        cp->tx_power_level  = tx_pwr_lvl;

        result = bt_hci_cmd_send_sync( BT_HCI_OP_VS_WRITE_TX_POWER_LEVEL, buf, &rsp );
        if ( result )
            uint8_t reason = rsp ? ((struct bt_hci_rp_vs_write_tx_power_level *) rsp->data)->status : 0;
            LOG_WRN( "Set Tx power err: %d reason 0x%02x\n", result, reason );
            result = RESULT_ERROR;
            rp = (void *)rsp->data;
            LOG_INF( "Actual Tx Power: %d\n", rp->selected_tx_power );
            net_buf_unref( rsp );
            result = RESULT_OK;
        LOG_WRN( "Unable to allocate command buffer\n" );

    return result;

I am seeing the function bt_hci_cmd_send_sync() returning error -5.

Can you please help me find the cause of this error.

Thank you.

Kind regards
  • Learner said:
    Does this make sense?

    Hi Mohammed,

    Yes, this makes sense and CONFIG_BT_CTLR_TX_PWR_DYNAMIC_CONTROL is necessary for the TX power control to work.

    Learner said:
    Although the error from bt_hci_cmd_send_sync() is gone, the actual BLE TX power settings is not changing. I tried different values -40, -30, -20, 0 and 8 dBm and only -40 seems to work.

    There is a known issue with setting TX power before the advertising parameters are set. This is documented in known issues for the SDC. Apart from that, it should work as I tested this on other nRF52 variants. 

    Learner said:
    Also, I noticed upon BLE disconnection the power level goes back to the default 0 dBm.

    This could be true that this setting is per role, I normally would call bluetooth_set_ble_tx_power for every role (just connected, disconnected, advertiser, scanner).

  • Good Morning Susheel,

    Thank you for your response.

    There is a known issue with setting TX power before the advertising parameters are set. This is documented in known issues for the SDC. Apart from that, it should work as I tested this on other nRF52 variants.

    I believe I am setting the advertising parameters before setting the BLE Tx power.

    This is what I have implemented. Please let me know if you spot anything wrong.

    First, I call 


    result_t bluetooth_Initialise(void)
        int err;
        /* Register connection callbacks */
        /* Register custom service */
        err = bt_gatt_service_register(&custom_svc);
        if (err)
            LOG_ERR("Custom service failed to start (err %d)", err);
            return err;
        /* Set ID string */
        /* Enable bluetooth with the ready callback */
        return (bt_enable(bluetooth_Ready) == 0 ? RESULT_OK : RESULT_ERROR);

    static void bluetooth_Ready(int err)
        if (err)
            LOG_ERR("Bluetooth init failed (err %d)", err);
        LOG_INF("Bluetooth initialised");
        /* Start advertising */
        err = bluetooth_start_adv();    
        if (err)
            LOG_ERR("Advertising failed to start (err %d)", err);
        LOG_INF("Advertising successfully started, awaiting connections");

    static result_t bluetooth_start_adv( void )
        result_t result = RESULT_ERROR;
        /* Select the appropriate the BLE advertising period using the current configuration setting.
         * This can be one of these settings. Note, it is a range rather than an abvsolute value.
         *   30 ms -   60 ms
         *  100 ms -  150 ms
         * 1000 ms - 1200 ms
        if ( ( ble_adv_period ) == 0  || ( ble_adv_period >= 200 )   )
            /* 1000 ms - 1200 ms */
            result = bt_le_adv_start(BT_LE_ADV_CONN_SLOW, ad, ARRAY_SIZE(ad), sd, ARRAY_SIZE(sd));
        else if ( ble_adv_period >= 80 )
            /* 100 ms - 150 ms */
            result = bt_le_adv_start(BT_LE_ADV_CONN_FAST_2, ad, ARRAY_SIZE(ad), sd, ARRAY_SIZE(sd));
        else if ( ble_adv_period >= 1 )
            /* 30 ms - 60 ms */
            result = bt_le_adv_start(BT_LE_ADV_CONN_FAST_1, ad, ARRAY_SIZE(ad), sd, ARRAY_SIZE(sd));
        return result;

    Below are the functions that set the BLE Tx power level. It is called after the BLE initialisation and  advertising have been setup and started.

    result_t bluetooth_set_tx_power( int8_t tx_pwr_lvl_dbm )
        result_t result = RESULT_ERROR;
        /* Now, set the BLE Tx power level in dBm*/
        if ( !conn )
            result = bluetooth_set_ble_tx_power( BT_HCI_VS_LL_HANDLE_TYPE_ADV, 0, tx_pwr_lvl_dbm );
            result = bluetooth_set_ble_tx_power( BT_HCI_VS_LL_HANDLE_TYPE_CONN, default_conn_handle, tx_pwr_lvl_dbm );
        return result;

    static result_t bluetooth_set_ble_tx_power( uint8_t handle_type, uint16_t handle, int8_t tx_pwr_lvl )
        struct bt_hci_cp_vs_write_tx_power_level    *cp;
        struct bt_hci_rp_vs_write_tx_power_level    *rp;
        struct net_buf                              *buf, *rsp = NULL;
        result_t                                    result = RESULT_ERROR;
        buf = bt_hci_cmd_create( BT_HCI_OP_VS_WRITE_TX_POWER_LEVEL, sizeof(*cp) );
        if ( buf )
            cp                  = net_buf_add( buf, sizeof(*cp) );
            cp->handle          = sys_cpu_to_le16( handle );
            cp->handle_type     = handle_type;
            cp->tx_power_level  = tx_pwr_lvl;
            LOG_INF( "Set Tx power: %d\n", cp->tx_power_level );
            result = bt_hci_cmd_send_sync( BT_HCI_OP_VS_WRITE_TX_POWER_LEVEL, buf, &rsp );
            if ( result )
                uint8_t reason = rsp ? ((struct bt_hci_rp_vs_write_tx_power_level *) rsp->data)->status : 0;
                LOG_WRN( "Set Tx power err: %d reason 0x%02x\n", result, reason );
                result = RESULT_ERROR;
                rp = (void *)rsp->data;
                LOG_INF( "Actual Tx Power: %d\n", rp->selected_tx_power );
                net_buf_unref( rsp );
                result = RESULT_OK;
            LOG_WRN( "Unable to allocate command buffer\n" );
        return result;

    Kind regards


  • I am really sorry for the delays, I could not test your code snippet, but will try to come back to you by tomorrow, thanks for your patience.

  • I have used this code in nRF Connect SDKv1.9 samples and it worked without any errors.

    static void set_tx_power(uint8_t handle_type, uint16_t handle, int8_t tx_pwr_lvl)
    	struct bt_hci_cp_vs_write_tx_power_level *cp;
    	struct bt_hci_rp_vs_write_tx_power_level *rp;
    	struct net_buf *buf, *rsp = NULL;
    	int err;
    	buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_VS_WRITE_TX_POWER_LEVEL,
    	if (!buf) {
    		printk("Unable to allocate command buffer\n");
    	cp = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*cp));
    	cp->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(handle);
    	cp->handle_type = handle_type;
    	cp->tx_power_level = tx_pwr_lvl;
    	err = bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_VS_WRITE_TX_POWER_LEVEL,
    				   buf, &rsp);
    	if (err) {
    		uint8_t reason = rsp ?
    			((struct bt_hci_rp_vs_write_tx_power_level *)
    			  rsp->data)->status : 0;
    		printk("Set Tx power err: %d reason 0x%02x\n", err, reason);
    	rp = (void *)rsp->data;
    	printk("Actual Tx Power: %d\n", rp->selected_tx_power);
    static void get_tx_power(uint8_t handle_type, uint16_t handle, int8_t *tx_pwr_lvl)
    	struct bt_hci_cp_vs_read_tx_power_level *cp;
    	struct bt_hci_rp_vs_read_tx_power_level *rp;
    	struct net_buf *buf, *rsp = NULL;
    	int err;
    	*tx_pwr_lvl = 0xFF;
    	buf = bt_hci_cmd_create(BT_HCI_OP_VS_READ_TX_POWER_LEVEL,
    	if (!buf) {
    		printk("Unable to allocate command buffer\n");
    	cp = net_buf_add(buf, sizeof(*cp));
    	cp->handle = sys_cpu_to_le16(handle);
    	cp->handle_type = handle_type;
    	err = bt_hci_cmd_send_sync(BT_HCI_OP_VS_READ_TX_POWER_LEVEL,
    				   buf, &rsp);
    	if (err) {
    		uint8_t reason = rsp ?
    			((struct bt_hci_rp_vs_read_tx_power_level *)
    			  rsp->data)->status : 0;
    		printk("Read Tx power err: %d reason 0x%02x\n", err, reason);
    	rp = (void *)rsp->data;
    	*tx_pwr_lvl = rp->tx_power_level;

    with CONFIG_BT_CTLR_TX_PWR_DYNAMIC_CONTROL=y in the prj.conf file

  • Hi Susheel,

    As I said 12 days ago I am not getting an error anymore. 

    Although the error from bt_hci_cmd_send_sync() is gone, the actual BLE TX power settings is not changing. I tried different values -40, -30, -20, 0 and 8 dBm and only -40 seems to work.
    The problem now is it seems I can only set the power to -40 dBm.
    Please have a look at the code I sent you 11 days ago and let me know if I am doing anything wrong. Thank you.
    Kind regards