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How to create a custom cluster for Matter device and how to use the Simple Metering cluster


I would like to know if it is possible to create a custom cluster for a custom Matter device using the ZAP tool ( In that case, how would be the simplest way to create it.

Furthermore, I'm using the CHIP Tool as Matter controller. This tool only proposes a pre defined list of clusters, it means that if I create a custom cluster, I have to modify the source file of the CHIP Tool to be able to use this custom cluster ? 

Another thing that I noticed, it is that the cluster Simple Metering (ID : 0x0702) it is not proposed by the ZAP Tool and by the CHIP Tool. How could it be possible to use this cluster ?

I'm using the nRF5340 DK board, the nRF SDK v1.9.99-dev and the CHIP Tool (
