How to use source code from Nordic SDK for Mesh in the Arduino IDE for the Nano 33 BLE?

Hi guys,

As long as I know the Arduino Nano BLE 33 is built upon the nRF52840 microcontroller, so I am wondering now is it possible to use the source code from Nordic SDK for Mesh in the Arduino IDE? I have experience working with nRF52840 DK on which I enabled the Bluetooth Mesh and created an application that enables the communication between two BLE nodes. Now the new project is divided into 2 main parts: the tinyML part that I have already enabled on my Nano BLE 33 board by using the TensorFlow library and existing examples, and the communication part for which I am planning to use the same Mesh implementation that I considered with the nRF52840 board. Is it possible to use the code written in Segger for Mesh in Arduino IDE? Also, can TensorFlow Lite be ported to run in Segger or is there a Segger compatible library that achieves the same objective in case I cannot use the Mesh implementation from Segger (Nordic SDK for Mesh)? In the end, if Segger code cannot be ported to Arduino IDE, is there any similar implementation that can be run in Arduino IDE and that can enable the Mesh communication? Any kind of help is welcome!
