MCUBOOT Sign the firmware

Hello Everyone,

First of all, what a terrible experience this has been. I'm trying to use custom RSA private key in order to sign the firmware before we go into production. However whatever I do, I can't get rid of this warning:

--- WARNING: Using default MCUBoot key, it should not ---
--- be used for production.                           ---

Let me say that I've gone through all of devzone forum, all of the documentation I could find, and nothing seems to work. So I think the only thing that can work for me is to give me a step by step guide on how to use a custom key to sign one of your samples, and I'll adjust it for our product. I've been stuck on this for hours, and it seems like config is completely broken.

We are using ncs v1.9.1.

What I'd like to do is to get it all done in the config (probably mcuboot.conf which I've linked in the CMakeLists.txt). Something like this seems to be working on your end:


But the build system just keeps telling me how this is wrong, how the key file variable is ignored and how it will keep on using the default keys. 

Does this really work at all for NCS? It should be trivial to sign the firmware with a custom key, but somehow I've wasted quite a bit of time on it by now.

