Beware that this post is related to an SDK in maintenance mode
More Info: Consider nRF Connect SDK for new designs

SDK 17.1 UART example exit with error_code=0x0c or 0x4001

I am working on UART example and serial port.

I got compile error and modified retarget.c line 99 with

  #if defined(__SES_VERSION) && (__SES_VERSION >= 34000) && !defined(__SEGGER_RTL_VERSION)

I got like error and set

    Project -> Options... -> Library ->Library I/O : RTT 

With 2 fixes, build and flash were success. But the app ends with APP_UART_COMMUNICATION_ERROR

I am not sure my modification is correct for this sample. What kind of change is good for this example?

My environments:

  SES 6.30 macOS x64

  SDK 17.1 examples/peripheral/uart/pca10040


  DK RX/CTS/TX/RTS/GND pins are connected with serial port TXD/RTS/RXD/CTS/GND
