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Private Bluetooth Address

Hello All,

i have a problem when I try to change the Bluetooth Address.

This is the code that works correctly:
err = bt_addr_le_from_str("DE:8B:49:00:00:01", "random", &addr);

This is the code that NOT works correctly:
err = bt_addr_le_from_str("43:8B:49:00:00:01", "random", &addr);

If I change "DE" of the Bluetooth Address with some other string like "43" I get the following error:
Only static random identity address supported
Creating new ID failed (err -22)

What could be? How can i fix this?

Second questions:
We buyed a range of Bluetooth Address but for Classic Bluetooth, can we use this range or we have to buy a specific address for BLE?

thanks to everything for the reply
Best regards
