Creating clock signal for another IC using PWM


I attempted to create a 32.768 kHz signal from the nRF52840. When I use the HF external clock: NRF_CLOCK->TASKS_HFCLKSTART = 1; the generated clock signal looks great using a oscilloscope. The mean is correct and a std. deviation of slightly less than 1 Hz. The receiving chip requires the clock value with an interval of +- 3 Hz.

The reasoning behind creating the signal from the nRF is that the receiving chip doesn't support a crystal, which means it needs a crystal oscillator which is expensive both with regard to cost and real estate.

However, I don't really know the implications of doing this. Will this be usable in a production?

I am not using Bluetooth on the chip, and the increase in current consumption is not an issue wrt to the power supply.
