"VS Code was not detected on your system."

Seeing the same issue described here:  VS Code was not detected on your system. 

Running on macOS 12.5.1 (Monterey).  nRF Connect for Desktop v3.12.0.  I've tried with both the Toolchain Manager v2.1.0-rc1 and v2.0.2.  Same results.

I run VS Code normally and have the "code" shell integration already installed.  I tried putting the explicit path of "/Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/bin" in various places, including .zshenv.  I tried launching nRF Connect directly from a terminal with `open /Applications/"nRF Connect for Desktop.app"` where I could be more assured that the PATH had been set correctly.

The "SHOW LOG" switch at the bottom of the Toolchain Manager window doesn't show anything particularly useful, although I do wonder at this line:

             "14:51:16.526 Failed to get the library versions: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded"

How can I get more debugging information on where the failure is happening?
