Put BLE Mesh node in deep sleep


We are working on BLE MESH using nRF52840. We are trying to put nRF52840 into deep sleep mode. The deep sleep current is about 210 micro Amp. Further, the current is continuously increasing approx. by 1 micro Amp after every 60 sec.

My setup:
nRF SDK ver : nRF5_SDK_17.0.2_d674dde
BLE MESH ver : nrf5_SDK_for_Mesh_v5.0.0
Hardware : BT840 based custom board

The functions used for putting the nRF52840 into deep sleep -

We also tried sd_power_system_off() but result are no better.

We are able to achieve deep sleep current of 500 nano Amp on same hardware, using Thread protocol. We are not sure how to achieve it using BLE Mesh.

It would be a great help if you could suggest a solution or give us a direction.

Kind Regards,

  • Hi,

    We have migrated from nrf5_SDK_for_Mesh_v5.0.0 to nRF Connect SDK v2.1.2. We are referring to samples -

    Using light_switch we are trying to produce DEEP SLEEP scenario. 225 uA is the lowest current value we are able to achieve. We tried following things.
    Trial 1: Try to make Friendship between light_switch and light server using friendship configuration settings.
        In light_switch
    In light
            No change
    Check the current on light_switch node. Average current observed = 6.4 mA (Too high)

    Trial 2: Put light_switch in deep sleep using power configuration settings and power management calls. There is NO Friendship between light_switch and light.
        light_switch prj.conf
        light_switch main.c
            bt_mesh_prov_disable(BT_MESH_PROV_GATT | BT_MESH_PROV_ADV);

    In light
            No change
    Check the current on light_switch node. Average current observed = 225 uA (Still High)

    Trial 3: Combination of trial 1 and 2. (We are not much confident about this trial).
    Put light_switch in deep sleep using power settings and power management calls.
    Try to make Friendship between light_switch and light server using friendship configuration settings.
        light_switch prj.conf

        light_switch main.c
            bt_mesh_prov_disable(BT_MESH_PROV_GATT | BT_MESH_PROV_ADV);

    In light
            No change
    Check the current on light_switch node. Average current observed =  225 uA (High)

    Trial 4: We used blinky app to check and verify the current consumption. We used following calls in main.c.
        In main.c
    Using blinky and power management call Average current observed = 660nA

    light_switch and blinky use same hardware settings on our BT840F based custom hardware.

    So from above trials it seems that BLE Mesh Node current consumption always higher even in DEEP sleep and is 221 uA. We are expecting much lower value. Can you please verify above settings and let us now if we are missing anything?

    Best Regards,

  • Hi Rajendra, 

    Before you test with any mesh sample, please follow my suggestion in my last reply: 

    - Test a very simple software on your board that put the device to  sleep mode and measure the current consumption. In NCS SDK please try testing with the nrf\samples\boards\nrf\system_off sample. The current consumption should go down to ~1uA when the log says "Entering system off; press BUTTON1 to restart"

    - If you still see high current consumption, please test the same software on a Nordic Dev Kit and measure the current consumption as the reference. 

  • Thank you for suggestion. I did not find nrf\samples\boards\nrf\system_off. I found v2.1.2\nrf\samples\nfc\system_off. I will try this and share the results.


  • Hi Rajendra, 
    My bad, please look for \zephyr\samples\boards\nrf\system_off 
    It's in Zephyr, not in nrf

  • Hi,

    Further update on Deep Sleep node. We used \zephyr\samples\boards\nrf\system_off sample and measured the deep sleep current. The measured average current was 498 nA. So this example gives us the expected Deep Sleep current.

    We then used similar code/settings in \nrf\samples\bluetooth\mesh\light_switch and measured the current. The measured current was 225 uA, similar to what we observed earlier. I was curious how this function - pm_state_force() behaves with BLE Mesh examples. Unfortunately it behaved the same way as nrf_power_system_off(NRF_POWER).
    So it seems that it is not possible to put the nRF52840 BLE Mesh device in Deep Sleep. Once the BLE Mesh stack is initiated there appears to be no way to cut off its power.
    I also tried to check if we could turn OFF the Bluetooth radio using any available function call on nRF52840 but it looks like there is no method to do so. There are a few references to this on Nordic Dev Forum.

    Any further suggestions on this?
