Bluetooth Antenna Problem


   I created a sucessfull code for nRF5340-DK working with bluetooth, uart etc. I am using the Bluetooth NRF52 dongle

to test. When I upload the firmware to nRF-DK works perfectly, it's sending and receiving packets.

  Then I created a customized board with an external antenna. This board has 32KHz Crystal.

  The power supply is working well with 3.3volts

  These are the related parts of schematics

The antenna's track width is 9.84mil and below is the rf grounded dieletric. This

track width was calculated by Altium Design and I used an external tools to confirm

if it was correct.

This is the stack-up of the first two layers. The board has four layers.

Top Solder Solder Resist 0.010mm
Top Layer Copper 0.018mm Red
Dielectric 2 FR-4 0.122mm
GND Copper 0.018mm Brown

We don't have a Spectrum Analyser at our lab. We don't have tools to do RF simulations too.

In order to know if there is a problem with antenna circuit I  removed the L6 and C27 and installed a wire.

I don't know if could work but I tried.

This image you can see the wire. Wire's lenght is 15mm

 I tested again and is not working. I am open to hear suggestions.

 I already tried to change from external crystal to internal RC as 32KHz generator. Didn't work.

