Hi Nordic team
According to this post I eliminated all calls to cs47l63, ina231 max14690 pmic in order to migrate the project to my custom hardware.
After that I get the following log on both the audio DK and on my custom hardware:
HR [00:00:00.001,129] <inf> audio_sync_timer: Audio sync timer initialized HR [00:00:00.001,770] <dbg> nrf5340_audio_dk_nrf5340_cpuapp: core_config: Setting gpiote latency to low power HR [00:00:00.001,831] <dbg> nrf5340_audio_dk_nrf5340_cpuapp: remoteproc_mgr_boot: Network MCU released. *** Booting Zephyr OS build v3.1.99-ncs1-1 *** HR [00:00:11.464,447] <inf> fw_info: nRF5340 Audio nRF5340 Audio DK cpuapp NCS Version: 2.1.2 Cmake run : Mon Nov 28 10:32:47 2022 HR [00:00:11.464,477] <inf> fw_info: ------- DEBUG BUILD ------- HR [00:00:11.464,477] <inf> fw_info: HEADSET right device HR [00:00:12.030,792] <inf> board_version: Compatible board/HW version found: 0.8.0 HR [00:00:13.649,932] <wrn> ble: Failed to create ID HR [00:00:13.653,137] <inf> fs_nvs: 6 Sectors of 4096 bytes HR [00:00:13.653,137] <inf> fs_nvs: alloc wra: 0, f98 HR [00:00:13.653,137] <inf> fs_nvs: data wra: 0, 5c HR [00:00:16.367,767] <wrn> bt_hci_core: Controller to host flow control not supported HR [00:00:16.370,819] <inf> bt_hci_core: No ID address. App must call settings_load() HR [00:00:16.370,880] <inf> ble: MAC: 00:00:00:00:00:00 (public) HR [00:00:16.371,459] <inf> ble: Controller version: 3303 HR [00:00:26.212,768] <inf> cis_headset: Regular advertising started
settings_load() is called in main - on_ble_core_ready()
"ble: Failed to create ID" confuses me. However, the service is visible on nRF Connect.
Streaming starts on the Audio DK
On my custom hardware strm_state in streamctr.c is always STATE_PAUSED
even when I call this custom function in streamctr.c
int stream_run(void) { int ret; if (strm_state == STATE_PAUSED) { ret = le_audio_play(); if (ret) { LOG_WRN("Failed to start playing"); } return ret; } return 0; }
What am I doing wrong here?
Kind regards