
I used nrf52840 with SDK15.3.

1.I use the example in this ticket and adjusted the baud rate to 9600 without hardware flow control.After SES is compiled, an "NRF_ERROR_SVC_HANDLER_MISSING" error is reported in the background upgrade.After keil is compiled, an "Fatal error" is reported in the background upgrade.I have tried to change the serial port interrupt priority, but failed. How do I solve this problem?

2.where can I find ble Background DFU application source code ?

  • overrun error occurs when using higher baudrate than what your application can handle. Your application needs to pull/read the received bytes at a bit faster rate than the peer is transmitting. Some applications are busy doing something else in different context than reading the received bytes. With no flow control the UART peripheral has no means to tell the peer to pause the transmission. 

    Your system seems that the application is not higher priority to first read the incoming data from UART. This means that your application has other higher priority computations/processing to do (most like post processing of RX bytes taking too long). Test your system with hardware flow control if you want higher baudrate else use lower baudrate, it is just that simple.
