Why is the SoftDevice automatically NAKing packets?

I'm developing a BLE application on the nRF52832 that uses NRF_SDH_DISPATCH_MODEL_APPSH to receive events from the SoftDevice. My application involves using some software-implemented elliptic-curve cryptographic computations, which can take up to a second and a half to run. I found that if I send enough Characteristic Writes while the nRF52832 is doing the ECC computations, I can overflow the App Scheduler (i.e. app_sched_event_put() in SD_EVT_IRQHandler() returns NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM).

Once I discovered this, I tried finding the upper limits of how many packets my device might have to receive over the air during the ECC computations. What I've found is that if I increase the size of the App Scheduler to about 60, then no matter how long the ECC computations take, I stop seeing NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM and the SoftDevice does not enqueue more than about 50 packets. On a sniffer, I see that the SoftDevice starts NAKing a packet at the Link Layer for an extended period (definitely not due to interference) after it correctly receives a stream of about 50. The ECC computations are running in APP_IRQ_PRIORITY_THREAD, so they should not be able to directly cause the SoftDevice to drop events.

What is the SoftDevice doing here? Is there a recommendation on how to determine the appropriate size of my App Scheduler based on this "automatic NAK" behavior?

I am using s132 v5.1.0.
