Can't reach desired μA values on nRF52833 on power saving modes


I have a custom board that has an nRF52833 SoC. I'm measuring current consumption with nRF Power Profiler Kit 2. All my tries of any kind of power saving including system off ended up in ~2mA current consumption at 3.3V supply voltage. 

I've tried many power saving examples such as system_off example (I'm using nRF Connect SDK), turned off  all peripherals in the devicetree and tried many solutions I've found online. I've also tried using/and not using DCDC regulator after making appropriate hardware modifications but all my tries were in vain. I am using no LEDs or any unnecessary power consuming device. My current rates drop as I run system_off example but it ends up in ~2mA but testing the same solutions, I could read μA values in my nRF52840Dongle. 

Measured my custom board's consumption without the SoC on the board and it was around 0.5mA, so I'm guessing I still can't enter power saving mode, since chip seems to consume ~1.5mA. 

Am I missing something? Maybe an external hardware configuration that I'm not implementing or some special config that should specifically be entered for nRF52833?

Thank you for your help. 
