HPPLMN search - difference mfw 1.3.1 and 1.3.2

Sorry to bother again, hopefully this is the last question related to my others ones according the details of HPPLMN search:

nRF9160 SICA B1A
NB-IoT, PSM: PTAU 24h, Act 4s
SIM-Card: IMSI 90140..., HPPLMN 26201 interval: 2h

Using "%XDATAPRFL=0" for devices statically located, I observe, that the mfw 1.3.1 doesn't execute a HPPLMN search, while using the mfw 1.3.3 executes them frequently.

In both cases I used a different nRF9160 SICA B1A with the same application, but with different modem firmware.

The 1.3.2 changelog contains:

- Fixed an issue where modem’s network selection algorithm did not correctly handle global PLMN IDs,
  i.e. PLMN IDs starting with ‘9’. This could have caused delays in network selection in scenarios
  where such global networks were available.

So: does this fix affect the behavior of HPPLMN searches, if "%XDATAPRFL=0" is used? Is this change with "%XDATAPRFL=0" intended?

This change causes devices to take 10 times more energy, when that update is applied.

As I already wrote, FMPOV, it makes using a global SIM for stationary cases less attractive. I didn't found 3GPP notes about the special way of handling the 9 global SIMs, but that may also be caused of the larger amount of 3GPP specs.
