Central uart on thingy91:nrf52840 unstabile ble_data_received


I am running central_uart example on thingy91:nrf52840 it is paired up with Thingy52 running peripheral_uart example.

everything seems to run fine i send and receive msg every 5 sec.
my problem is that the ble_data_received is toggling with triggered when buffer is full (40 bytes) and end of msg that is normaly 15-20 bytes.

how can i controll this? is there any time settings or end of msg character i can use


 * Copyright (c) 2018 Nordic Semiconductor ASA
 *modifyed by rv
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Nordic-5-Clause

/** @file
 *  @brief Nordic UART Service Client sample

#include <errno.h>
#include <zephyr/kernel.h>
#include <zephyr/device.h>
#include <zephyr/devicetree.h>
#include <zephyr/sys/byteorder.h>
#include <zephyr/sys/printk.h>

#include <zephyr/bluetooth/bluetooth.h>
#include <zephyr/bluetooth/hci.h>
#include <zephyr/bluetooth/conn.h>
#include <zephyr/bluetooth/uuid.h>
#include <zephyr/bluetooth/gatt.h>

#include <bluetooth/services/nus.h>
#include <bluetooth/services/nus_client.h>
#include <bluetooth/gatt_dm.h>
#include <bluetooth/scan.h>

#include <zephyr/settings/settings.h>

#include <zephyr/drivers/uart.h>

#include <zephyr/logging/log.h>

#define LOG_MODULE_NAME central_uart

/* UART payload buffer element size. */
#define UART_BUF_SIZE 40


#define UART_RX_TIMEOUT 500

static const struct device *uart = DEVICE_DT_GET(DT_NODELABEL(uart1));
static struct k_work_delayable uart_work;

K_SEM_DEFINE(nus_write_sem, 0, 1);

struct uart_data_t {
	void *fifo_reserved;
	uint8_t  data[UART_BUF_SIZE];
	uint16_t len;

struct uart_data_t *uart_rx_buf;
uint8_t  uart_tx_buf[UART_BUF_SIZE];

static K_FIFO_DEFINE(fifo_uart_tx_data);
static K_FIFO_DEFINE(fifo_uart_rx_data);

static struct bt_conn *default_conn;
static struct bt_nus_client nus_client;

bool btcon=false;

static void ble_data_sent(struct bt_nus_client *nus, uint8_t err,
					const uint8_t *const data, uint16_t len)
	struct uart_data_t *buf;

	// Retrieve buffer context.
	buf = CONTAINER_OF(data, struct uart_data_t, data);

	if (err) {
		LOG_WRN("ATT error code: 0x%02X", err);

static uint8_t ble_data_received(struct bt_nus_client *nus,
						const uint8_t *data, uint16_t len)

		int err;
		LOG_INF("BLE data received!  %d,:%s",len,data);

		for (uint16_t x=0;x<len;x++){
			if ( data[x]=='\n' || x==len-1 ){
				err = uart_tx(uart,uart_tx_buf, x+1, SYS_FOREVER_MS);
				if (err) {
				LOG_INF("Error Sending data over UART");
					LOG_INF("Sending data over UART to nrf91! %d,%s",x,uart_tx_buf);

static void uart_cb(const struct device *dev, struct uart_event *evt, void *user_data)
	int err;

	switch (evt->type) {
	case UART_RX_RDY:
		uart_rx_buf = CONTAINER_OF(evt->data.rx.buf, struct uart_data_t, data);
		if (evt->data.rx.buf[uart_rx_buf->len - 1] == '\n') { // removed or '\r'
			k_fifo_put(&fifo_uart_rx_data, uart_rx_buf);



		uart_rx_enable(uart, uart_rx_buf->data, sizeof(uart_rx_buf->data),




static int uart_init(void)
	int err;
	struct uart_data_t *rx;

	if (!device_is_ready(uart)) {
		LOG_ERR("UART device not ready");
		return -ENODEV;

	rx = k_malloc(sizeof(*rx));
	if (rx) {
		rx->len = 0;
	} else {
		return -ENOMEM;

	err = uart_callback_set(uart, uart_cb, NULL);
	if (err) {
		return err;

	return uart_rx_enable(uart, rx->data, sizeof(rx->data),

static void discovery_complete(struct bt_gatt_dm *dm,
			       void *context)
	struct bt_nus_client *nus = context;
	LOG_INF("Service discovery completed");


	bt_nus_handles_assign(dm, nus);


static void discovery_service_not_found(struct bt_conn *conn,
					void *context)
	LOG_INF("Service not found");

static void discovery_error(struct bt_conn *conn,
			    int err,
			    void *context)
	LOG_WRN("Error while discovering GATT database: (%d)", err);

struct bt_gatt_dm_cb discovery_cb = {
	.completed         = discovery_complete,
	.service_not_found = discovery_service_not_found,
	.error_found       = discovery_error,

static void gatt_discover(struct bt_conn *conn)
	int err;

	if (conn != default_conn) {

	err = bt_gatt_dm_start(conn,
	if (err) {
		LOG_ERR("could not start the discovery procedure, error "
			"code: %d", err);

static void exchange_func(struct bt_conn *conn, uint8_t err, struct bt_gatt_exchange_params *params)
	if (!err) {
		LOG_INF("MTU exchange done");
	} else {
		LOG_WRN("MTU exchange failed (err %" PRIu8 ")", err);

static void connected(struct bt_conn *conn, uint8_t conn_err)
	char addr[BT_ADDR_LE_STR_LEN];
	int err;

	bt_addr_le_to_str(bt_conn_get_dst(conn), addr, sizeof(addr));

	if (conn_err) {
		LOG_INF("Failed to connect to %s (%d)", log_strdup(addr),

		if (default_conn == conn) {
			default_conn = NULL;

			err = bt_scan_start(BT_SCAN_TYPE_SCAN_ACTIVE);
			if (err) {
				LOG_ERR("Scanning failed to start (err %d)",


	LOG_INF("Connected: %s", log_strdup(addr));

	static struct bt_gatt_exchange_params exchange_params;

	exchange_params.func = exchange_func;
	err = bt_gatt_exchange_mtu(conn, &exchange_params);
	if (err) {
		LOG_WRN("MTU exchange failed (err %d)", err);

	err = bt_conn_set_security(conn, BT_SECURITY_L2);
	if (err) {
		LOG_WRN("Failed to set security: %d", err);


	err = bt_scan_stop();
	if ((!err) && (err != -EALREADY)) {
		LOG_ERR("Stop LE scan failed (err %d)", err);

static void disconnected(struct bt_conn *conn, uint8_t reason)
	char addr[BT_ADDR_LE_STR_LEN];
	int err;

	bt_addr_le_to_str(bt_conn_get_dst(conn), addr, sizeof(addr));

	LOG_INF("Disconnected: %s (reason %u)", log_strdup(addr),
	if (default_conn != conn) {

	default_conn = NULL;

	err = bt_scan_start(BT_SCAN_TYPE_SCAN_ACTIVE);
	if (err) {
		LOG_ERR("Scanning failed to start (err %d)",

static void security_changed(struct bt_conn *conn, bt_security_t level,
			     enum bt_security_err err)
	char addr[BT_ADDR_LE_STR_LEN];

	bt_addr_le_to_str(bt_conn_get_dst(conn), addr, sizeof(addr));

	if (!err) {
		LOG_INF("Security changed: %s level %u", log_strdup(addr),
	} else {
		LOG_WRN("Security failed: %s level %u err %d", log_strdup(addr),
			level, err);


BT_CONN_CB_DEFINE(conn_callbacks) = {
	.connected = connected,
	.disconnected = disconnected,
	.security_changed = security_changed

static void scan_filter_match(struct bt_scan_device_info *device_info,
			      struct bt_scan_filter_match *filter_match,
			      bool connectable)
	char addr[BT_ADDR_LE_STR_LEN];

	bt_addr_le_to_str(device_info->recv_info->addr, addr, sizeof(addr));

	LOG_INF("Filters matched. Address: %s connectable: %d",
		log_strdup(addr), connectable);

static void scan_connecting_error(struct bt_scan_device_info *device_info)
	LOG_WRN("Connecting failed");

static void scan_connecting(struct bt_scan_device_info *device_info,
			    struct bt_conn *conn)
	default_conn = bt_conn_ref(conn);

static int nus_client_init(void)
	int err;
	struct bt_nus_client_init_param init = {
		.cb = {
			.received = ble_data_received,
			.sent = ble_data_sent,

	err = bt_nus_client_init(&nus_client, &init);
	if (err) {
		LOG_ERR("NUS Client initialization failed (err %d)", err);
		return err;

	LOG_INF("NUS Client module initialized");
	return err;

BT_SCAN_CB_INIT(scan_cb, scan_filter_match, NULL,
		scan_connecting_error, scan_connecting);

static int scan_init(void)
	int err;
	struct bt_scan_init_param scan_init = {
		.connect_if_match = 1,

	//static uint8_t cname[] = "CriticAlert";
	err = bt_scan_filter_add(BT_SCAN_FILTER_TYPE_UUID, BT_UUID_NUS_SERVICE);
	//err = bt_scan_filter_add(BT_SCAN_FILTER_TYPE_NAME,*cname);
	if (err) {
		LOG_ERR("Scanning filters cannot be set (err %d)", err);
		return err;

	err = bt_scan_filter_enable(BT_SCAN_UUID_FILTER, false);
	//err = bt_scan_filter_enable(BT_SCAN_NAME_FILTER, false);
	if (err) {
		LOG_ERR("Filters cannot be turned on (err %d)", err);
		return err;

	LOG_INF("Scan module initialized");
	return err;

static void auth_cancel(struct bt_conn *conn)
	char addr[BT_ADDR_LE_STR_LEN];

	bt_addr_le_to_str(bt_conn_get_dst(conn), addr, sizeof(addr));

	LOG_INF("Pairing cancelled: %s", log_strdup(addr));

static void pairing_complete(struct bt_conn *conn, bool bonded)
	char addr[BT_ADDR_LE_STR_LEN];

	bt_addr_le_to_str(bt_conn_get_dst(conn), addr, sizeof(addr));

	LOG_INF("Pairing completed: %s, bonded: %d", log_strdup(addr),

static void pairing_failed(struct bt_conn *conn, enum bt_security_err reason)
	char addr[BT_ADDR_LE_STR_LEN];

	bt_addr_le_to_str(bt_conn_get_dst(conn), addr, sizeof(addr));

	LOG_WRN("Pairing failed conn: %s, reason %d", log_strdup(addr),

static struct bt_conn_auth_cb conn_auth_callbacks = {
	.cancel = auth_cancel,

static struct bt_conn_auth_info_cb conn_auth_info_callbacks = {
	.pairing_complete = pairing_complete,
	.pairing_failed = pairing_failed

void main(void)
	int err;

	err = bt_conn_auth_cb_register(&conn_auth_callbacks);
	if (err) {
		LOG_ERR("Failed to register authorization callbacks.");

	err = bt_conn_auth_info_cb_register(&conn_auth_info_callbacks);
	if (err) {
		printk("Failed to register authorization info callbacks.\n");

	err = bt_enable(NULL);
	if (err) {
		LOG_ERR("Bluetooth init failed (err %d)", err);
	LOG_INF("Bluetooth initialized");


	int (*module_init[])(void) = {uart_init, scan_init, nus_client_init};
	for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(module_init); i++) {
		err = (*module_init[i])();
		if (err) {

	printk("Starting Bluetooth Central UART example\n");

	err = bt_scan_start(BT_SCAN_TYPE_SCAN_ACTIVE);
	if (err) {
		LOG_ERR("Scanning failed to start (err %d)", err);

	LOG_INF("Scanning successfully started");

	for (;;) {
		/* Wait indefinitely for data to be sent over Bluetooth */
		struct uart_data_t *nusbuf = k_fifo_get(&fifo_uart_rx_data,
		err = bt_nus_client_send(&nus_client, nusbuf->data, nusbuf->len);
		if (err) {
			LOG_WRN("Failed to send data over BLE connection"
				"(err %d)", err);
			LOG_INF("Sent data over BLE from nrf52: %d:%s", nusbuf->len,nusbuf->data);

		err = k_sem_take(&nus_write_sem, NUS_WRITE_TIMEOUT);
		if (err) {
			LOG_WRN("NUS send timeout");

  • Hei Rune,

    The ble_data_received() callback should be invoked each time you receive a BLE notification packet from the peripheral regardless of what the packet size is. How do you determine that the last 15-20 byte message is not received, are you looking at the messages relayed to the uart interface, or at the debug log messages on RTT (those printed with the LOG_* macros)?

    Best regards,


  • Hi Vidar,

    I am Looking at the Log msg on the rtt. the peripheral reveives a msg on bt_nus from central unit and passes it thrue to the uart. the reply from uart is then sent to central uart thrue bt_nus. ( standard uart bridge ).
    I can see on the rtt that the peripheral unit is sending and receiving good. on the central unit the ble_data_received() trigger when buffer is full(40 byte) and the data contet is 2 or 3 mesgs.
    This is not constant, suddenly it can work as expected and trigger on one msg and then go backto trigger on buffer full.



  • Hi Rune,

    I thought the problem was that you were missing notification packets from the peripheral, but if I interpret it correctly now after rereading your post, what you really want is to control when the received packets are printed out on UART?

    how can i controll this? is there any time settings or end of msg character i can use

    Your implementation in ble_data_received() seems to expect the messages to end with'\n' (0xA). Are all your messages terminated with this character, and are any of the messages longer than 40 bytes?

  • Hi Vidar,

    No, the problem is before i send it on the uart, it is what i receive from the BLE that is the problem.

    as you see in the "ble_data_received" function the first thing i do is to print the incoming data from NUS out in LOG_INF("BLE data received!  %d,:%s",len,data); (line 98 in the enclosed code).

    From the peripheral unit I send 13-15 bytes every 10 sec with cr/lf in the end of msg.

    On the Central unit I DO NOT receive the first and second msg but eventually all 3 msg when the ble buffer is full. "<inf> central_uart_ NUs received 40:xxmsg1\r\nmasg2\r\nmsg3\r\nxx"

     sometimes the ble_data_received function behave as expected and trigger on every messages for 3-10minutes, then goes back to only trigger when buffer is full.

    this behavior is logged in the same run without any code change or reset.

    Please advice

  • Hi Rune,

    I see. But in that case, I think it will make more sense to look at how the packet sending is being handled on the peripheral side. The ble_data_received() callback on the Central is just reporting the size of the notification packet it receives from the peripheral.

    I did try to replicate what you described with original NUS samples in the SDK as well. The only change I made was to add your log entry at the beginning of the callback.

    RTT log from UART central

    ###RTT Client: ************************************************************ 
    ###RTT Client: *               SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH                * 
    ###RTT Client: *   Solutions for real time microcontroller applications   * 
    ###RTT Client: ************************************************************ 
    ###RTT Client: *                                                          * 
    ###RTT Client: *       (c) 2012 - 2016  SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH       * 
    ###RTT Client: *                                                          * 
    ###RTT Client: *     www.segger.com     Support: [email protected]       * 
    ###RTT Client: *                                                          * 
    ###RTT Client: ************************************************************ 
    ###RTT Client: *                                                          * 
    ###RTT Client: * SEGGER J-Link RTT Client   Compiled Sep 27 2022 16:08:30 * 
    ###RTT Client: *                                                          * 
    ###RTT Client: ************************************************************ 
    ###RTT Client: -----------------------------------------------
    ###RTT Client: Connecting to J-Link RTT Server via localhost:19021 ...
    ###RTT Client: Connected.
    SEGGER J-Link V7.80c - Real time terminal output
    J-Link OB-SAM3U128-V2-NordicSemi compiled Sep 21 2022 09:57:39 V1.0, SN=683327583
    Process: JLinkExe
    [00:08:00.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:01.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:02.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:03.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:04.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:05.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:06.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:07.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:08.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:09.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:10.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:11.886,901] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:12.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:13.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:14.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:15.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:16.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:17.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:18.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:19.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:20.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:21.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:22.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:23.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:24.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:25.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:26.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:27.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:28.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:29.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:30.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:31.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:32.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:33.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:34.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:35.836,975] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:36.836,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:37.886,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:38.887,023] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:39.886,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:40.886,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:41.886,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:42.886,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:43.886,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:44.886,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:45.886,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:46.886,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:47.886,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:48.886,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:49.886,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:50.886,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:51.886,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:52.886,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:53.886,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:54.886,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:55.886,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:56.886,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:57.886,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:58.886,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:08:59.886,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:00.886,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:01.886,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:02.886,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:03.886,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:04.886,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:05.886,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:06.886,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:07.886,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:08.886,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:09.886,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:10.886,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:11.886,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:12.887,023] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:13.886,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:14.886,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:15.886,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:16.886,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:17.886,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:18.887,023] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:19.886,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:20.886,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:21.886,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:22.886,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:23.886,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:24.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:25.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:26.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:27.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:28.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:29.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:30.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:31.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:32.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:33.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:34.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:35.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:36.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:37.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:38.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:39.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:40.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:41.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:42.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:43.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:44.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:45.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:46.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:47.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:48.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:49.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:50.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:51.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:52.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:53.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:54.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:55.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:56.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:57.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:58.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:09:59.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:00.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:01.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:02.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:03.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:04.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:05.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:06.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:07.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:08.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:09.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:10.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:11.936,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:12.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:13.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:14.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:15.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:16.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:17.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:18.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:19.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:20.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:21.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:22.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:23.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:24.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:25.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:26.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:27.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:28.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:29.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:30.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:31.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:32.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:33.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:35.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:35.986,938] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:36.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:37.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:38.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:39.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:40.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:41.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:42.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:43.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:44.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:45.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:46.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:47.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:48.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:49.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:51.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:51.986,938] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:52.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:53.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:54.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:55.986,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:57.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:58.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:10:59.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:00.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:01.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:02.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:03.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:04.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:05.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:06.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:07.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:08.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:09.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:10.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:11.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:12.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:13.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:14.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:15.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:16.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:17.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:18.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:19.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:20.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:21.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:22.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:23.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:24.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:25.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:26.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:27.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:28.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:29.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:30.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:31.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:32.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:33.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:34.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:35.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:36.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:37.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:38.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:39.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:40.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:41.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:42.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:43.036,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:44.136,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:45.086,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:46.086,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:47.086,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:48.086,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:49.086,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:50.086,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:51.086,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:52.086,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:53.086,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:54.086,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:55.086,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:56.086,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:57.086,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:58.086,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:11:59.087,005] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:00.086,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:01.087,005] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:02.086,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:03.087,005] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:04.086,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:05.086,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:06.086,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:07.086,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:08.086,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:09.086,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:10.086,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:11.086,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:12.086,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:13.086,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:14.086,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:15.086,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:16.086,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:17.086,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:18.086,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:19.086,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:20.086,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:21.086,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:22.086,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:23.086,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:24.086,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:25.086,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:26.086,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:27.086,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:28.086,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:29.136,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:30.136,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:31.136,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:32.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:33.136,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:34.136,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:35.136,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:36.136,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:37.136,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:38.136,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:39.136,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:40.136,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:41.136,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:42.136,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:43.136,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:44.136,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:45.136,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:46.136,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:47.136,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:48.136,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:49.136,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:50.136,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:51.136,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:52.136,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:53.136,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:54.136,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:55.136,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:56.136,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:57.136,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:58.136,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:12:59.136,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:00.136,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:01.136,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:02.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:03.136,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:04.136,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:05.136,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:06.136,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:07.136,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:08.136,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:09.136,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:10.136,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:11.136,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:12.136,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:13.136,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:14.136,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:15.136,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:16.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:17.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:18.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:19.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:20.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:21.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:22.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:23.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:24.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:25.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:26.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:27.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:28.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:29.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:30.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:31.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:32.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:33.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:34.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:35.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:36.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:37.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:38.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:39.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:40.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:41.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:42.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:43.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:44.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:45.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:46.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:47.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:48.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:49.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:50.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:51.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:52.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:53.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:54.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:55.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:56.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:57.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:58.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:13:59.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:00.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:01.186,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:02.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:03.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:04.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:05.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:06.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:07.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:08.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:09.236,938] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:10.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:11.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:12.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:13.236,938] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:14.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:15.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:16.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:17.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:18.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:19.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:20.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:21.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:22.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:23.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:24.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:25.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:26.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:27.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:28.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:29.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:30.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:31.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:32.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:33.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:34.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:35.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:36.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:37.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:38.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:39.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:40.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:41.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:42.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:43.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:44.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:45.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:46.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:47.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:48.236,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:49.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:50.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:51.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:52.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:53.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:54.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:55.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:56.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:57.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:58.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:14:59.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:00.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:01.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:02.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:03.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:04.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:05.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:06.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:07.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:08.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:09.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:10.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:11.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:12.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:13.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:14.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:15.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:16.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:17.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:18.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:19.336,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:20.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:21.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:22.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:23.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:24.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:25.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:26.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:27.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:28.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:29.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:30.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:31.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:32.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:33.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:34.286,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:35.336,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:36.337,005] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:37.336,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:38.336,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:39.336,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:40.336,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:41.336,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:42.337,005] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:43.336,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:44.336,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:45.336,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:46.336,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:47.336,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:48.336,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:49.336,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:50.336,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:51.336,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:52.336,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:53.336,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:54.336,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:55.336,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:56.336,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:57.336,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:58.336,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:15:59.336,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:00.337,005] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:01.336,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:02.336,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:03.336,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:04.336,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:05.336,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:06.336,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:07.336,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:08.336,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:09.336,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:10.336,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:11.336,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:12.336,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:13.336,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:14.337,005] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:15.336,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:16.336,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:17.336,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:18.336,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:19.336,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:20.336,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:21.386,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:22.386,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:23.386,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:24.386,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:25.386,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:26.386,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:27.386,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:28.386,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:29.386,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:30.386,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:31.386,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:32.386,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:33.386,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:34.386,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:35.386,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:36.387,023] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:37.386,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:38.386,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:39.386,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:40.386,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:41.386,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:42.386,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:43.386,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:44.386,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:45.386,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:46.386,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:47.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:48.386,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:49.386,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:50.386,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:51.386,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:52.386,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:53.386,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:54.386,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:55.386,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:56.386,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:57.386,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:58.386,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:16:59.386,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:00.386,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:01.386,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:02.387,023] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:03.386,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:04.386,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:05.386,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:06.386,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:07.386,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:08.386,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:09.386,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:10.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:11.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:12.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:13.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:14.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:15.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:16.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:17.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:18.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:19.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:20.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:21.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:22.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:23.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:24.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:25.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:26.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:27.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:28.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:29.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:30.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:31.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:32.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:33.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:34.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:35.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:36.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:37.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:38.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:39.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:40.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:41.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:42.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:43.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:44.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:45.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:46.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:47.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:48.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:49.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:50.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:51.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:52.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:53.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:54.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:55.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:56.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:57.436,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:58.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:17:59.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:00.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:01.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:02.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:03.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:04.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:05.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:06.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:07.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:08.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:09.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:10.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:11.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:12.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:13.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:14.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:15.486,938] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:16.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:17.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:18.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:19.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:20.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:21.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:22.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:23.486,938] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:24.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:25.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:26.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:27.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:28.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:29.486,938] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:30.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:31.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:32.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:33.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:34.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:35.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:36.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:37.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:38.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:39.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:40.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:41.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:42.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:43.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:44.486,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:45.486,938] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:46.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:47.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:48.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:49.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:50.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:51.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:52.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:53.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:54.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:55.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:56.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:57.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:58.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:18:59.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:00.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:01.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:02.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:03.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:04.586,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:05.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:06.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:07.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:08.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:09.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:10.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:11.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:12.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:13.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:14.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:15.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:16.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:17.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:18.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:19.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:20.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:21.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:22.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:23.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:24.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:25.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:26.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:27.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:28.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:29.536,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:30.586,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:31.586,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:32.586,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:33.586,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:34.586,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:35.586,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:36.586,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:37.586,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:38.586,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:39.586,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:40.586,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:41.586,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:42.586,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:43.586,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:44.586,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:45.586,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:46.586,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:47.586,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:48.586,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:49.586,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:50.586,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:51.586,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:52.586,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:53.586,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:54.586,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:55.586,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:56.586,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:57.586,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:58.586,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:19:59.586,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:00.586,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:01.586,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:02.586,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:03.586,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:04.586,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:05.586,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:06.586,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:07.586,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:08.586,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:09.586,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:10.586,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:11.586,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:12.586,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:13.586,944] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:14.586,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:15.586,883] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:16.636,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:17.636,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:18.636,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:19.636,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:20.636,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:21.636,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:22.636,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:23.636,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:24.636,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:25.636,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:26.636,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:27.636,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:28.636,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:29.636,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:30.636,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:31.636,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:32.636,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:33.636,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:34.636,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:35.636,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:36.636,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:37.636,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:38.636,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:39.636,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:40.636,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:41.636,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:42.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:43.636,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:44.636,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:45.636,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:46.636,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:47.636,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:48.636,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:49.636,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:50.636,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:51.636,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:52.636,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:53.636,993] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:54.636,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:55.636,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:56.636,962] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:57.636,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:58.636,932] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:20:59.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:00.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:01.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:02.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:03.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:04.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:05.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:06.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:07.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:08.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:09.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:10.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:11.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:12.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:13.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:14.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:15.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:16.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:17.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:18.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:19.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:20.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:21.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:22.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:23.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:24.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:25.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:26.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:27.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:28.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:29.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:30.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:31.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:32.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:33.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:34.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:35.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:36.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:37.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:38.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:39.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:40.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:41.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:42.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:43.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:44.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:45.686,950] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:46.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:47.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:48.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:49.736,938] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:50.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:51.836,914] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:52.786,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:53.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:54.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:55.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:56.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:57.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:58.736,968] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:21:59.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:00.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:01.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:02.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:03.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:04.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:05.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:06.736,968] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:07.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:08.736,938] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:09.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:10.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:11.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:12.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:13.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:14.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:15.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:16.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:17.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:18.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:19.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:20.737,304] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:21.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:22.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:23.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:24.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:25.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:26.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:27.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:28.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:29.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:30.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:31.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:32.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:33.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:34.736,907] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:35.786,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:36.786,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:37.786,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:38.786,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:39.786,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:40.786,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:41.786,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:42.786,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:43.786,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:44.786,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:45.786,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:46.786,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:47.786,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:48.786,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:49.786,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:50.786,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:51.786,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:52.786,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:53.786,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:54.786,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:55.786,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:56.786,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:57.786,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:58.786,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:22:59.786,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345
    [00:23:00.786,956] <inf> central_uart: BLE data received!  16,:123456789012345

    Python script I used to send dummy data from the peripheral

    import serial
    import time
    # Loop test: send the string "123456789012345\r\n" once every second for 15 minutes  
    t_end = time.time() + 60 * 15
    with serial.Serial('/dev/ttyACM2', timeout=1, baudrate=115200) as ser:
        while time.time() < t_end:
