Flashing failed due to protection on the device

OS: Windows 10
NCS: 2.0.0

I am working on the Nordic DFU NCS Guide on a nRF52833 DK  devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../ncs-dfu

After flashing/debugging several times, I started seeing the message below.  I responded with "yes".   Now I am not able to "debug".  I can only "flash" it. 

I thought something was wrong with the board, so I used a brand new nRF52833DK.  The same thing started happening.  

Any idea of what is going on?

  • Number is - PCA10095 2.0.2 2023.22 1050088170 

    Apologies, if I am missing basic points here, I am an absolute beginner in this field. 



  • Hi Garvit,

    Thank you. This is exactly what I asked for.

    Could you provide steps necessary for reproducing the issue?

    Best regards,

  • Hi Dejan,

    After installing the nrf command line tools, nrf connect for desktop, visual studio code, I went to create a new application and clicked on copy a sample. 

    searched for blinky example and clicked on first blinky sample 

    After this 

    Now I received this error, highlighted in yellow -

    In terminal added the an exception as suggested in output window,

     After that created a build configuration with following inputs-


    After that tried flashing the board and received the error as mentioned in original question asked, 

    I have tried pressing yes and always in this session option but I end up on same error again and again. 

    Also, I have 3 boards of same nrf5340 dk , Tried flashing 2 boards with this method and I am receiving this same error on both. At start, I believed this might be happening due to no write access on external disk on company provided laptop but I tried on my personal laptop and enabled the access on company laptop as well but still facing same issue.

    Please ignore the warnings in output terminal in above images regarding the nrf command line tool, I am in process of reinstalling all the software's, I know there is very less probability that the error would resolve by doing this but still worth a try.



  • Hi Garvit,

    Which versions of nRF Command Line Tools, nRF Connect for Desktop, and VS Code do you use?

    What happens with your third nrf5340-dk board? Do you see the same "Flashing failed" problem with it or not?

    Please let me know the result after you reinstall/update all required tools.

    Best regards,

  • Hi Dejan,

    Apologies for late response. 

    nRF Command Line Tools - 10.23.4

    nRF Connect for Desktop - 4.3

    and VS Code - 1.85.1

    Yes, I tried on 3rd board as well after reinstalling the software, same issue still persists when I repeated the steps mentioned in previous reply.


