Different measurement between PPK2 Ampere meter and Source meter mode

I have already seen some topics about this, but still struggling to understand the correct measurement and difference between the PPK2 Ampere meter and Source meter mode. I used nRF 52840_DK with Thread: CoAP Server to measure the power using PPK2 in both modes, and I saw different numbers. The differences aren't even close to each other, and that's where I am struggling.

Source meter mode

Ampeter meter mode

As you can see, the average number of 26.24 nA for the Ampeter meter mode and 9.73 mA for the Source meter mode.

Why the huge difference? What am I missing?

Note: I am powering both of the devices through USB.

Parents Reply
  • Does your target device run with that setting? If so, you have that second "power path".

    Yes, indeed since the power is coming from the USB that is connected with the device. In Ampere meter mode, PPK doesn't provide the power to the device, right?

    So, I connect the device with USB in J2 port and that gives the device both power and has data access from computer.

    I appreciate that for pointing out the second power path but I don't get since the Ampere meter mode needs the second power source through USB in the J2 port to run the device. If not, how the device will run without powering it up?

    I must be missing something!
