SO_RAI_NO_DATA still does not cause RRC release

Issue is related to  RE: NRF_SO_RAI_NO_DATA does not cause RRC release in SLM/nrf9160 without send 

Just after AT#XSOCKETOPT=1,50 modem should negotiate RRC Release, but it is not the case.

NCS v2.3 nrf9160_1.3.4

Serial LTE Modem, prj.conf changes:

AT dialogue and PPKII measurements:
[PPK2] DUT Powered, Measurement started
   0.13 <RESET> Wed Mar 15 23:56:33 2023
   1.01 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG   4.02 mA    Max  28.6  mA
   1.25 <INDICATE transition> -> High
   2.03 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG   2.21 mA    Max  29.8  mA
   3.01 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG   0.002mA    Max   0.009mA
   4.02 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG   0.002mA    Max   0.008mA
   4.26 <WAKEUP>
   5.02 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG   1.11 mA    Max  24.5  mA
   5.60     [RX] Ready
   5.60 [TX] AT
   5.61     [RX] OK
   5.61 [TX] AT+CFUN=0
   5.77     [RX] OK
   5.77 [TX] AT%MDMEV=1
   5.78     [RX] OK
   5.78 [TX] AT%XPOFWARN=1,30
   5.80     [RX] OK
   5.81     [RX] OK
   5.81     [RX] %HWVERSION: nRF9160 SICA BQA
   5.81     [RX] OK
   5.83     [RX] %SHORTSWVER: nrf9160_1.3.4
   5.83     [RX] OK
   5.83 [TX] AT#XSLMVER
   5.83     [RX] #XSLMVER: "2.3.0","2.3.1-8622ee1c632e"
   5.83     [RX] OK
   5.83 [TX] AT%XSYSTEMMODE=0,1,0,0
   5.85     [RX] OK
   5.85 [TX] AT%REL14FEAT=1,1,1,1,0
   5.86     [RX] OK
   5.86 [TX] AT%RAI=1
   5.86     [RX] OK
   5.87 [TX] AT%REDMOB=1
   5.88     [RX] OK
   5.88 [TX] AT%XDATAPRFL=0
   5.89     [RX] OK
   5.89 [TX] AT+CEPPI=1
   5.90     [RX] OK
   5.90 [TX] AT%XNETTIME=1
   5.91     [RX] OK
   5.91 [TX] AT+CNEC=24
   5.92     [RX] OK
   5.92 [TX] AT+CMEE=1
   5.93     [RX] OK
   5.93 [TX] AT%XSIM=1
   5.94     [RX] OK
   5.94 [TX] AT+CEREG=5
   5.95     [RX] OK
   5.95 [TX] AT+CSCON=1
   5.97     [RX] OK
   5.97 [TX] AT+CGEREP=1
   5.97     [RX] OK
   5.97 [TX] AT%XTIME=1
   5.99     [RX] OK
   5.99 [TX] AT%XMODEMSLEEP=1,500,10240
   6.00     [RX] OK
   6.00 [TX] AT+CPSMS=1,,,"00111000","00000000"
   6.00     [RX] %XMODEMSLEEP: 4
   6.00     [RX] OK
   6.01 [TX] AT%XBANDLOCK=1,"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000010000000100010011010"
   6.02 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG   4.64 mA    Max  37.1  mA
   6.02     [RX] OK
   6.03 [TX] AT+COPS=1,2,"23003"
   6.05     [RX] OK
   6.05 [TX] AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP",""
   6.05     [RX] OK
   6.05 [TX] AT+CFUN=1
   6.10     [RX] OK
   6.11     [RX] %XMODEMSLEEP: 4,0
   7.01 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  27.2  mA    Max  48.0  mA
   7.02     [RX] %XSIM: 1
   7.02 [TX] AT+CGSN
   7.02     [RX] 352656106109476
   7.02     [RX] OK
   7.02 [TX] AT+CIMI
   7.03     [RX] 901288000012723
   7.03     [RX] OK
   8.01 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  35.5  mA    Max  65.8  mA
   9.00 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  39.3  mA    Max  66.5  mA
  10.01 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  19.2  mA    Max  62.9  mA
  11.02 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG   1.89 mA    Max   2.53 mA
  12.03 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG   1.89 mA    Max   2.50 mA
  13.01 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG   1.89 mA    Max   2.51 mA
  13.46     [RX] +CEREG: 2,"AE38","000AC51F",9
  14.01 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG   4.55 mA    Max  55.8  mA
  14.16     [RX] +CSCON: 1
  15.02 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  33.2  mA    Max 290mA
  16.01 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  33.6  mA    Max  46.3  mA
  17.01 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  33.6  mA    Max  46.3  mA
  18.02 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  33.6  mA    Max  46.1  mA
  19.01 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  33.1  mA    Max  47.8  mA
  20.01 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  33.2  mA    Max  46.5  mA
  21.01 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  33.6  mA    Max  46.3  mA
  22.02 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  33.6  mA    Max  46.2  mA
  23.02 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  33.6  mA    Max  46.3  mA
  24.02 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  33.3  mA    Max  46.1  mA
  24.43     [RX] +CGEV: ME PDN ACT 0,0
  24.43     [RX] +CNEC_ESM: 50,0
  24.43     [RX] %MDMEV: SEARCH STATUS 2
  24.44     [RX] +CEREG: 5,"AE38","000AC51F",9,,,"00000000","00111000"
  24.44 [TX] AT+COPS?
  24.45     [RX] +COPS: 1,2,"23003",9
  24.45     [RX] OK
  24.45 [TX] AT%XCBAND
  24.46     [RX] %XCBAND: 20
  24.46     [RX] OK
  24.46 [TX] AT+CEINFO?
  24.46     [RX] +CEINFO: 0,1,C,8,1,-87,18
  24.46     [RX] OK
  24.46 [TX] AT+CGDCONT?
  24.47     [RX] +CGDCONT: 0,"IP","","",0,0
  24.48     [RX] +CGDCONT: 1,"IP","","",0,0
  24.48     [RX] OK
  24.48 [TX] AT#XDATACTRL=40
  24.48     [RX] %XTIME: ,"32305122655540",
  24.49     [RX] OK
  24.49 [TX] AT#XSOCKET=1,2,0
  24.49     [RX] #XSOCKET: 0,2,17
  24.50     [RX] OK
  24.50 [TX] AT%CONEVAL
  24.51     [RX] %CONEVAL: 0,1,7,54,24,42,"000AC51F","23003",493,6447,20,0,0,16,2,1,114
  24.51     [RX] OK
  25.00 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  33.0  mA    Max 148mA
  25.65 [PPK2] ====== SUM: ATTACH   0.157uA/h during  25.6  s ======
  26.73 [TX] AT#XCONNECT="",20000
  26.73     [RX] #XCONNECT: 1
  26.73     [RX] OK
  26.73 [TX] AT#XSOCKETOPT=1,50
  26.74     [RX] OK
  27.01 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  33.6  mA    Max  46.2  mA
  28.02 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  33.6  mA    Max  46.3  mA
  29.00 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  33.4  mA    Max  46.3  mA
  30.01 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  33.0  mA    Max  46.2  mA
  31.01 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  33.6  mA    Max  46.3  mA
  32.01 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  33.6  mA    Max  46.1  mA
  33.01 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  33.6  mA    Max  46.1  mA
  34.01 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  33.5  mA    Max  46.4  mA
  35.02 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  32.8  mA    Max  46.3  mA
  36.00 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  33.6  mA    Max  46.2  mA
  37.01 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  33.6  mA    Max  46.2  mA
  38.02 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  33.6  mA    Max  46.1  mA
  39.01 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  33.6  mA    Max  46.5  mA
  40.00 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  32.6  mA    Max  46.0  mA
  41.01 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  33.7  mA    Max  46.1  mA
  42.02 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  33.6  mA    Max  46.2  mA
  43.02 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  33.6  mA    Max  46.6  mA
  44.02 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  33.7  mA    Max  48.2  mA
  45.02 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  32.7  mA    Max  45.9  mA
  45.49     [RX] +CSCON: 0
  45.49     [RX] %XMODEMSLEEP: 1,86399999
  45.49 [TX] AT#XSLEEP=2
  45.49     [RX] OK
  46.00 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG  16.5  mA    Max 194mA
  47.02 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG   0.017mA    Max   0.023mA
  48.01 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG   0.017mA    Max   0.023mA
  49.03 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG   0.017mA    Max   0.023mA
  50.02 [PPK2] 100k/s AVG   0.017mA    Max   0.023mA
  • Thanks!

    And that fallback to R13 RAI supports also the "setsockopt" but not the parameter SO_RAI_NO_DATA?

    And, if Vodafone 26202 LTE-M works with  SO_RAI_NO_DATA, why doesn't it work with SO_RAI_ONE_RESP?


    To my very surprise, this morning Vodafone 26202 LTE-M works with SO_RAI_ONE_RESP as well.

    :-) More edited: :-)

    That "success" was only a short one. It was the result from some configuration "leftovers" (switching between XRAI and RAI). It didn't work for a second request. And it doesn't work with a clean setup.

    Therefore the captures:

    26202, LTE-M, AS-RAI, ONE_RESP => not working


    26202, LTE-M, AS-RAI, NO_DATA => working


  • I also prepared traces for Telekom 26201, NB-IoT, AS-RAI.

    According GSMA Mobile IoT Roaming Features Final 08.09.2022 NB-IoT 26201 supports AS-RAI. Let me know, if the traces show the opposite.

    Telekom 26201, NB-IoT, AS-RAI?, ONE-RESP => working


    Telekom 26201, NB-IoT, AS-RAI?, NO-DATA => not working


  • Hi,

    Achim Kraus said:

    26202, LTE-M, AS-RAI, NO_DATA => working

    The trace show that R14 AS-RAI is supported.

    Achim Kraus said:
    26202, LTE-M, AS-RAI, ONE_RESP => not working

    The issue here is that since R14 AS-RAI, SO_RAI_ONE_RESP + UDP transmission does not trigger signaling from UE to the network which could accelerate connection release. After receiving response, UE should use SO_RAI_NO_DATA socket option to the socket in order to tell the socket that there is no more data expected.

    Best regards,

  • Hi,

    Achim Kraus said:
    Telekom 26201, NB-IoT, AS-RAI?, ONE-RESP => working

    In this case, R14 AS-RAI is not enabled but R13 CP-RAI is used.

    Achim Kraus said:
    Telekom 26201, NB-IoT, AS-RAI?, NO-DATA => not working

    UE is never asked from the network for the RAI support. Therefore, UE never signals to the network whether it supports AS-RAI or not. As a result, R14 AS-RAI is not enabled from the network to the UE.

    Best regards,

  • Hi Dejan,

    all examples use the same application setup code.

    I don't see, how the application should know the extra info, which explains the result. But without that extra info it seems to be impossible to implement a working application. 

    26202, with AS-RAI

    4 days ago you wrote:

    > Modem supports AS RAI and that includes both SO_RAI_ONE_RESP and SO_RAI_NO_DATA.

    Now you write.

    > The issue here is that since R14 AS-RAI, SO_RAI_ONE_RESP + UDP transmission does not trigger signaling from UE to the network which could accelerate connection release. After receiving response, UE should use SO_RAI_NO_DATA socket option to the socket in order to tell the socket that there is no more data expected.

    In which case is a device able to use R14 AS-RAI with SO_RAI_ONE_RESP?

    If, in difference to your comment 4 days ago, R14 AS-RAI doesn't support SO_RAI_ONE_RESP, how does the application know, that the device didn't fallback and SO_RAI_ONE_RESP must not be used?

    26201, fallback to CP-RAI

    > UE is never asked from the network for the RAI support.

    The device uses the same setup as for ONE-RESP, which is working. Is SO_RAI_NO_DATA working with CP-RAI? If not, how does the application know, that the modem fallback to CP-RAI and the application must not use SO_RAI_NO_DATA?
