nRF Toolchain Manager - Installs only C:\ncs\toolchains and leaves C:\ncs\v2.2.0 empty


  I followed steps here so I have installed Segger jlink and NRF Connect for Desktop + command line tools; then from Toolchain Manager I installed v.2.2.0 in advised path C:\ncs. It showed successful install but the folder C:\ncs\v2.2.0 has been left empty so when I select it in NCS Visual Code it gives invalid directory.

  I tried uninstalling/removing all files and environment variables/registy entries and do it from scratch a few times but no success.

  Please kindly advise if you had a similar problem.

Kind Regards,

MSc.MEd. Software Engineer and Trainer
"But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)

  • Hi Sigurd,

      I had a previous setup on a Win 10 Pro, on a different network, which was working smoothly only through Toolchain Manager. I was not able to continue on machine with issues as it took too much time: maybe I will be allowed to get back to it. Thank you very much for all until now!

      I need to search other posts and if will not find to make a new one: I copied a project from linux to windows, changed the paths and compiled: but memory ranges are different (bigger) and also getting MPU faults for access violation. 

    Kind Regards,

