I was trying to program my sample to nRF5340's flash using nRF connect v4.0.0 and when i click flash i got this problem:

[error] [ Client] - stderr: [*** LOG ERROR #0001 ***] [2023-03-22 10:37:45] [nRF53] {argument not found}

Failed to enable coprocessor with unknown error.
ERROR: Access to the selected address is blocked by the SPU.
NOTE: For additional output, try running again with logging enabled (--log).
NOTE: Any generated log error messages will be displayed.
FATAL ERROR: command exited with status 37: nrfjprog --recover -f NRF53 --coprocessor CP_NETWORK --snr 1050024693

  • John,

    Regarding this:

    [error] [ Client] - stderr: [*** LOG ERROR #0001 ***] [2023-05-23 13:46:44] [nRF53] {argument not found}
    The two hex files are present in the location, so it must be something else.

    I assume that the part may be stuck in some state, maybe some part of  boot or other flash persistence gets corrupted/doesn't program, and the script side of nrfprog may not have the logic to detect.

    I was experiencing the exact same error, after thinking about it I may have done one additional step.

    Are you able to flash with device while using the standalone programmer?

    (after erasing with the standalone programmer)  I think I did program the part, using one of my previous (known good) hex files (still while using  with the standalone programmer program), once I was convinced it was back, I probably tried in VSCode.

    You might also try compiling a different  example program for the board (just to get to a build a simple known good hex) and program that.

    Does seem to me like this came on with the latest nrf update, which had lots of changes to nrfprog according to release notes.

  • Hello Joe

    The programming was succesfull using the standalone programmer. And after tihs VSCode is programming too.

    Thank you for your suggestions :-)

  • John,

    Glad I could help. I hope someone from Nordic is watching. There are some nrfprog issue(s) here. At the very least, nrfprog cannot repair/recover from certain programming errors but the standalone programmer exe can.

  • Hi!

    I just wanted to let you all know that we have reported this behavior internally. It would be helpful if someone had a way to recreate this behavior or know how we can put an nRF53 DK into this state so we can recreate it on our end as well.

    Best regards,


  • Just take a fresh virgin nRF5340-DK from the shelf and compile/program the matter light switch example. It went wrong with my (unused) DK version 2.0.1 2023.10
