How to create a custom yaml file

I'm trying to initialize an Analog Devices sensor when I used the "adi,adx1345.yaml" as the configuration even though it's not the adx1345. (Previous ticket here) It did build, yet the sensor doesn't respond on the MISO bus. I think it is due to the lousy configuration file.

However, when I try to use the basic "spi_device.yaml", I get multiple errors, and even after setting a proper value for these, I'm getting others.

I'm using NCS v2.2 and working with nRF52840 and nRF5340 mainly.

New configuration and errors(Nrf52830 OVERLAY):

    &spi3 {
            adi_foo: adi_foo@0{
                // compatible = "adi,adxl345";
                compatible = "spi-device";
                reg = <0>;
                spi-max-frequency = < DT_FREQ_M(8) >; //even when I'm switching DT_FREQ to 8000000 it doesn't matter
                duplex = < 0 >;
                frame-format = < 0 >;
                label = "adi_foo";
                // friendly-name = "adi_foo";

I'm getting errors following misconfigured duplex, max frequency. Any ideas on how to solve it? 
