Increasing throughput for nrf52832

We are using nrf52832 with S132.

In our application, we have 1 device as central and it will connect to 4 peripheral devices.

Central device needs to send 128 bytes of data to each of 4 device at interval of 30 msec.

We have extended the data length to send 128 bytes in 1 packet.

Currently we are sending these packets at interval of 100 msec and still packets are getting dropped.

Connection interval is set to 7.5msec.

So how can we increase throughput to achieve our requirements?

  • Hi, 

    Please find attached sniffer file.

    Central Device Mac:  E4:32:EF:F1:0E:13

    Peripheral Devices Mac: 


     I have set the Key to Follow LE address and key to  E4:32:EF:F1:0E:13 public in wireshark


  • Hi Haresh,

    It seems that the sniffer didn't sniff into the connection attempt. That's likely because you track the central device, and not the peripheral device.

    Could you get another trace, following the peripheral device instead?

    I also see that your central device is advertising as well. That will be even more things needed to be scheduled on the SoftDevice...

    On other note, have you tried lowering the scan window to see if it helps the later connections at all? There are some values recommended in the Bluetooth Core Spec, Vol 3, Part C, Appendix A. (as of spec v5.3). I think 30ms is a good place to start with.

    Please understand if our responses are delayed for the next ~1.5 weeks due to a holiday here.


  • Hi,

    I attached the trace file following the peripheral device.

    Central Device Mac:  E4:32:EF:F1:0E:13

    Peripheral Devices Mac: E0:7E:F4:D8:0F:E6

    I also see that your central device is advertising as well. That will be even more things needed to be scheduled on the SoftDevice...

    Should I disable the advertising when trying for a connection in the central device?

    On other note, have you tried lowering the scan window to see if it helps the later connections at all?

    I will try that and update if anything improves.



  • Hi Haresh,

    I am back, but I am still progressing through my backlog and could not get to your question yet. Please know that I am still around and will try to look into it within the next two working days.

    I am sorry for the inconvenience.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Haresh,

    If I understand correctly, in the latest sniffer trace, you include one connection attempt which failed, and another which succeeded. Is that right?

    No.     Time        Source              Destination         Length   RSSI        Info
    2832    19.275786   e0:7e:f4:d8:0f:e6   Broadcast           56       -32 dBm     ADV_IND
    2833    19.276256   e4:32:ef:f1:0e:13   e0:7e:f4:d8:0f:e6   60       -57 dBm     CONNECT_IND
    2834    19.277873   Master_0x38b7cf1f   Slave_0x38b7cf1f    26       -62 dBm     Empty PDU
    2835    19.292875   Master_0x38b7cf1f   Slave_0x38b7cf1f    26       -59 dBm     Empty PDU
    2836    19.307875   Master_0x38b7cf1f   Slave_0x38b7cf1f    26       -53 dBm     Empty PDU
    2837    19.337878   Master_0x38b7cf1f   Slave_0x38b7cf1f    26       -50 dBm     Empty PDU
    2838    19.352881   Master_0x38b7cf1f   Slave_0x38b7cf1f    26       -69 dBm     Empty PDU
    2839    24.355563   e0:7e:f4:d8:0f:e6   e2:35:9c:59:59:81   38       -33 dBm     SCAN_REQ

    In the failed connection attempt around t = 19.2s, we can see after sending CONNECT_IND, the Central (Master) attempts to send some Empty PDU. The idea is that if the connection is established successfully, the Peripheral (Slave) should response.

    However, we see that the response is absence. It is likely that the Peripheral has missed the CONNECT_IND.

    Note that the absence of ADV_IND after CONNECT_IND does not show that the peripheral is not advertising anymore. After detecting CONNECT_IND, the sniffer would focus on tracing the connection, so it does not go back to tracing advertising activities for a bit.

    You can see that in the successful connection attempt around t = 44.15s, the above issue does not happen.

    Depends on the situation, this failure to establish a connection might or might not be normal.

    I would like to ask a few questions to check on that:

    • How consistent and how often (X fails every Y establishment attempts) does this happen in your test?
    • Does this happen when the Peripheral is advertising and scanning at the same time?
      You noted that the Advertising Interval is 100ms. What are the scan parameters on these devices?
    • Is the physical environment you are testing in electromagnetically noisy?
    • Are the devices far apart? What is the RSSI that they see from the other?

    Best regards,

