Set nRF5340 Audio DK as I2S slave over external bus

Hello! I am attempting to use my nRF5340 Audio DK as a gateway to broadcast audio from an external I2S source.

I have added the `CONFIG_AUDIO_SOURCE_I2S=y` line to my project .conf file as described in the README for the nrf5340_audio project.

I also have followed the instructions in this DevZone post to configure the board to use the external I2S connections on the P10 header.

The issue that I am encountering now is that the nRF board is still acting as the I2S master. The other device I want to connect I am not in control of and is configured as an I2S master. I need the nRF board to act as I2S slave and transmit the audio the other device is sending it over the Bluetooth link (in my case as a BIS broadcast). How can I configure the nRF as I2S slave?
