Using NRF24L01+ with pure assembler programing

Dear people

I have connected NRF24!01+ with PIC16F1826 for use as PRX and have also another similar for PRX

For an initial test I tryed to trasmit a closed / open switch state to a LED and as ussually hapens it does not work

Also I have a Tx packets each 200ms with one Data byte incremented in each Tx
I get SPI write an read ok but at PRX have not getting any received packet

There is the same program for PTX an PRX with  #define    PRX  o rnot at compiling so most of defined values are the same

What I get reading with SPI : in PRX , Reg 0x17 FIFO_STATUS  bit4 TX_EMPTY:
 is 1 before loading data
0 after loading payload   (4 bytes)
1 after CE goes H

At PRX side  not IRQ arises , not changes in Reg 07 bit RX_DR

I only use assembler programming and I didn´t found in the web any complete and working assembler example.

--> I am asking please the simplest example with a detailed list of commands to send for configuring and useing TPX
and PRX, similar at Appendix B, pag 77 in NRF24L01+ data sheet.

*** But please include the waiting delays and other instructions that may be  needed ***

For some address, default values may be used in a first test ? ( only 1 Pipe )

Is it posible not  using CRC ?

I need to have something working before going to a complete use of full NRF24L01+ capabilities

Finally I will insert well tested software in bigger assembler programs

I like to  replace a RS485 conexion with this RF link

I will1452.Control_NRF.rar send the assembler that I am testing if somebody like to see it, but RF part is not working

Waiting some help, Best Regards, Osvaldo Hojvat

  • Hi  Torbjørn

    I will apply your last sent information.  I need to adquire some experience before next steps

    We are a two people team makeing electronics parts for Ferromodelism - Model railroad

    My final target is to replace actual cable connection with Rx links, for a Central unit that may be  connected to several handheld controls, using RS485 serial cables.

    Most of the time, the central unit send a call byte with the address of one control, wait 130us and if it is not a reply, it send a call with the following address of a control is sent.

    I will replace it by NRF24L01+  using all the automaric features available.

    I am making some simple tests before incorporate the RF part  to  the program of the Control units, PTX

    I will place the PRX part in a special interfase that keeps updated information of controls and Central unit, and to convert RF Tx/ Rx data with the required timing.

    One interfase for up to 6 controls.  Usually no more that one or two controls will be connected

    As data to be send from controls will be a result of a keyboard switch pressing, I expect it will be not a problem for the posibility than more than one control may Tx Data at the same time.

    After the present initial test, I will use the enhanced shock burst in a new test  as a second step.

    I will post resulting assembler when it works well.

    Best Regards, Osvaldo

  • Last news - working OK the corrected test program.

    With your instructions added, I get an uniform Tx / Rx Data trasmition.

    I am trasmiting a four data packet but the first one is incremented after each tx packet

    in PTX  I have one led as a negated copy of TxFIFO_Status bit4 (Tx fifo EMPTY)

    With some delays added there is a rate of about 4 Tx packets/ second , LED flashing  at this rate.

    In PRx board, there are one led connected at IRQ line ( tied to Vd) that flashes each received packed

    Two processor pins have copy of Received Data 1,  bits0 and one

    They show a uniform count following tx / rx packets rate

    Later I will post a list of NRF settings , commands used and also the assembler for the test


    Next I will  try adding ack and ack with pay load

    Best  Regards, Osvaldo

  • ;Short test program for Tx / Rx following Torbjørn instructions (from Nordic Forum)
    ;I have selected the procesor pins in order to keep posible USART pins free for next proyect step
    ;Procesor PIC16F1826    ( = PIC)
    ;Transceiver NRF24L01+ ( = NRF)         PTX = RF tx mode     PRX = RF rx mode
    ;Using default values at most NRF registers for low instructions count 
    ; RA4 pin open -> PTR mode   no interruptions
    ; RA4 to GND  ->  PRX mode   - IRQ used     ( the same program forboth modes )
    ; PIC definitions 
    ; SERIAL DATA OUT (MOSI): RA6      ; 
    ; SERIAL DATA IN (MISO):  RB1     ;
    ; SPI  MASTERMODE for procesor  
    ; CSN - NRF SPI enable: RA7 
    ; CE  NRF24L01+ RF enable (data sheeet states: less than 4ms ON in Tx mode)
    ; Subrutines used for SPI
    ; sendSPI  - send WREG value to NRF - iniciate and wait 8 SPI CLK - return with banco0
    ; receiveSPI  - iniciate and wait 8 SPI CLK - return with banco0 and SPI received value in WREG (fron NRF)
    ; delay10u  - 10us
    ; delay1m   - 1ms
    ; delay200m - 200ms
    #define 	banco0	movlb	0     ; 
    #define 	banco1	movlb	1     ; OSCON - OPTION
    #define 	banco2	movlb	2     ; APFCON   (some inputs/outputs can be moved between default pin to other one )
    #define 	banco3	movlb	3     ; usart
    #define 	banco4	movlb	4     ; SPI
    #define		CSN		PORTA,7	
    #define     CE		PORTA,0
    #define     PTXsel	PORTA,4     ; 0 = PRX  mode ;  1 = PTX  mode
    #define	    LED 	PORTA,2   ; PTR shows tx fifo not empty  -  PRX shows rx fifo with data
     CBLOCK 	0x20    
      Reg1      ; for delay subrutines 
      Reg2      ; 
      Reg3      ;
     CBLOCK 	0x70    ; access from any bank
            list    p=16F1826,  r=hex   
            INCLUDE P16F1827.INC    ;  F1826,INC  is not present in MPLAB
    	__CONFIG _CONFIG2, _WRT_OFF & _PLLEN_OFF & _STVREN_OFF & _BORV_HI & _LVP_OFF     ; en el .INC ,     _BORV_19 = _BORV_LO es el trip point bajo   _HI alto
                       ORG 00
                  GOTO START
    ;;;INT      ; not using INT for this test 
    ;;;	clrf	BSR
    START         ;     
           ;   no poner dalay antes de ajustar oscilador  
    ; PIC initialize
                       movlw    B'00000111' ; SETTING PORTB ACCORDING TO SPI, RB0 IS INPUT TO ENABLE TRANSCEIVER IRQ
                       movwf    TRISB  ;RB1 MISO   RB2  para Rx de 485 
    		   		movlw    b'00010010'    ; tecla a GND en RA1 - pongo 10k a +5  - puente a GND para modo TRX
    		   		movwf    TRISA           ;bit5 de MCLR no se baja- teclaa RA1 - LED en salida RA2
    			movlw	b'01111010'    ; para 16M
    			movwf	OSCCON					
    			movlw	b'10000100'    ;con pull-up (ver def. individuales) ; RB0 = 0 INTERRUPT HIGH TO LOW EDGE = bit6
    			movwf	OPTION_REG   ; presc 1/32 para TMR0 ( ver si lo uso) 
      BANKSEL PORTB           
                      MOVLW B'00000000'   
    		  MOVWF	PORTB    
                      MOVLW B'10000000'   
    		  MOVWF	PORTA    ; para CSN en alto 
    		clrf	ANSELA
    		clrf	ANSELB
      BANKSEL  SSP1STAT                     ; tested at, 4MZ also works with SMP = 0
                       MOVLW B'01000000'      ;;; SMP= 1   CKE = 1     ( smp = bit 7 11000000)
                       MOVWF SSP1STAT
                       MOVLW B'00100000'     ; frecSPIclk = fosc/4 = frec instruccion -> 4M  for 16M-osc            
                       MOVWF SSP1CON1            ; bit4 CPK = 0    mode 0,0   smp = 1 
                       MOVLW B'10010000'
      BANKSEL  APFCON0    ; banco2
     			movlw   b'11000000'     ;  RA6 MOSI  
     			movwf	APFCON0         ; (bit7) Tx  USART  RB2 -> RB5
     			movlw   1               ; Rx del USART  RB1 -> RB2
     			movwf	APFCON1
    ;;;			movlw	b'10010000'    ; GIE  INTE   - PRX  uses IRQ  falling level
    ;;;		btfsc	PORTA,4      ; to GND -> PRX
    			movlw	0       ; open -> PTX
     clrf	 RxDATA1
     clrf	 RxDATA2
     clrf	 RxDATA3
     clrf	 RxDATA4
     clrf	Arg0  
     clrf	Arg1  
     clrf	Arg2  
     clrf	Arg3  
     clrf	Arg4  
     clrf	Arg5
     clrf	Arg6
     clrf	Arg7  
     clrf	Flg
      movlw	1
    movwf	TxDATA1	    ; for tests
     movlw	2	
    movwf	TxDATA2
     movlw	3
    movwf	TxDATA3
     movlw	4
    movwf	TxDATA4
    call	delay40ms   ; algo mas de 100ms  para el power-on del modulo NRF
    call	delay40ms 
    call	delay40ms 
    btfss	PORTA,4      ; to GND -> PRX
    goto	PRX
    ; NRF24L01 *************************** reference:  data sheet- commands table 20 page 51 and registers  9.1 page 57 ******************
    ; PTX:    -   IRQ is enabled but not used in PTR
    ; 1) Set the PWR_UP bit in the CONFIG register     -  
    				bcf CSN       				 ; Open NRF SPI
                       MOVLW B'00100000'         ; write reg 0 - CONFIG    (command 001aaaaa = write to aaaaa register 
                       CALL SEND    
                       MOVLW B'01010010'         ;bit5 low: IRQ for Tx send,  POWER_ON   ; no CRC , PTX mode
                       CALL SEND            
    				bsf CSN                      ; close SPI
    ; optional confirm CPNFIG value
    	movlw	0			
    	call	read_Regx
    	movwf	Arg0
    ; necessary ??? disable auto-ack - uso tx sin ack ( o con ack, a mi gusto)
    ;;				bcf CSN       				 ; Open NRF SPI
     ;;                  MOVLW B'00100001'         ; write reg 1 -  EN_AA
     ;;                  CALL SEND    
    ;;                   MOVLW 0         ;
    ;;                   CALL SEND            
    ;;				bsf CSN                      ; close SPI	
    ; -----   2)  3) are the same for
    ; -----   2)  3) are the same for  PTX and PRX    
    ; 2) Set DYNPD to 0x3F   
    				bcf CSN       				 ; 
                       MOVLW B'00111100'         ; write reg 1C - DYNPD    - b'00111100' = (0x20 + 0x1C)
                       CALL SEND    
                       MOVLW B'00111111'         ; dynamic PD all channels
                       CALL SEND                 ; 
    				bsf CSN
    ; 3) Set the EN_DPL bit in the FEATURE register
    				bcf CSN       				 ; 
                       MOVLW B'00111101'         ; write reg 1D - FEATURE   - b'00111101' = (0x20 + 0x1D)
                       CALL SEND    
                       MOVLW B'00000101'         ; dynamic PD  and EN_DYN_ACK enabled ; para tx sin ack 
                       CALL SEND                 ; 
    				bsf CSN
    ;optional ? .............. flush tx fifo ..................
    	bcf CSN	
    	    movlw	0xE1   ; b'11100001'
    	    call	SEND
    	bsf CSN		
    ; 4) Upload a payload
     ; optional ..............   
        		call 	read_fifo_status	  ;  readed value in WREG
    		movwf	Arg1   ;   before load  bit4 EMPTY must be = 1  empty
    	btfss	Arg1,4
    	bsf LED	; PORTA,2   ; a negated copy of Tx fifo EMPTY
    	btfsc	Arg1,4
    	bcf LED	; PORTA,2   ; led O = tx fifo with data
    		bcf CSN   ; habilito SPI para cargar datos en TX FiFO
    					movlw	0xB0       ;B0 es tx sin ack comando tx payload0 xA0
    					call	SEND
    					movf	TxDATA1,w    
    					call	SEND
    					movf	TxDATA2,w
    					call	SEND
    					movf	TxDATA3,w
    					call	SEND
    					movf	TxDATA4,w
    					call	SEND   
    			    bsf CSN	
    ;Optional:  read and check fifo status 
    		call 	read_fifo_status	  ;  readed value in WREG
    		movwf	Arg2   ;             bit4 EMPTY must be = 0  not empty
    	btfss	Arg2,4
    	bsf LED	; PORTA,2   ; a negated copy of Tx fifo EMPTY
    	btfsc	Arg2,4
    	bcf LED	; PORTA,2   ; led O = tx fifo with data
    ; 5) Pulse CE for 10 us   ******* DO NOT PLACE BREAKPOINTS HERE    ********
    				bsf	CE
    				call	delay10us
    				call	delay10us  ; minimum 10us
    				bcf	CE
                      ; ***************  TX Rf 4MS MAXIMUN ***********************
    ;Optional:  read and check fifo status  130us for rf iniciate?
       call delay10us	; tx 4 bytes needs 40us at 1MHz rate -> for tx FIFO empty
       call delay10us      ;NEEDS MORE TIME - time for next read is added to a more sure value
    		call 	read_fifo_status	  ;  readed value in WREG
    		movwf	Arg3  ;  after tx the data bit4 txbuf EMPTY must be = 1 empty
    	call	delay1ms    ; at  40us fifo not emty - after 1ms yes
    		call 	read_fifo_status	  ;  readed value in WREG
    		movwf	Arg4  ;  after tx the data bit4 txbuf EMPTY must be = 1 empty
    	btfss	Arg4,4
    	bsf LED	; PORTA,2   ; a negated copy of Tx fifo EMPTY
    	btfsc	Arg4,4
    	bcf LED	; PORTA,2
    	; optional ????............ clr tx  IRQ ..............
    		call	read_status
    		movwf	Arg5		
    	bcf CSN	
    	    movlw   0x27	; b'00100111' write to STATUS reg.
    		call	SEND   ;  
    	movlw	b'01110000'	; clr all interrupts flags
    		call	SEND	
    	bsf CSN                ; 56us from CE rise 
    		call	read_status    ; CSN inside
    		movwf	Arg6		; 72us from CE rise
    		btfss	PORTB,0
    		btfsc	PORTB,0
    ; ......................................
    		call	delay40ms
    btfss	Arg4,4   ; if tx FiFO not  empty, do not load again
    goto retry		
    	incf	TxDATA1,f    ;  modified data for next packet trasmition	
    ; 6) Add a delay (1ms+) and repeat from 4)
    	call delay200ms
    goto	new_payload
    ;;; goto	moreProgram
    	; ; below - PRX 
    ; 1) Set the PWR_UP bit and PRIM_RX bits in the CONFIG register     -  
    		bcf CSN       				 ; Open NRF SPI
                MOVLW B'00100000'         ; write reg 0 - CONFIG    (command 001aaaaa = write to aaaaa register 
                CALL SEND    
                MOVLW B'00110011'         ;Bit6 low: IRQ for Rx received,  POWER_ON   ; no CRC , PRX mode
                CALL SEND            
    		bsf CSN                      ; close SPI
    ; optional confirm CPNFIG value
    	movlw	0			
    	call	read_Regx
    	movwf	Arg0
    ; necessary ??? disable auto-ack  mejor lo dejo y uso tx sin ack ( o con ack, a mi gusto)
    ;				bcf CSN       				 ; Open NRF SPI
     ;                  MOVLW B'00100001'         ; write reg 1 -  EN_AA
     ;                  CALL SEND    
    ;                  MOVLW 0         ;
     ;                  CALL SEND            
    ;				bsf CSN                      ; close SPI	
    ; -----   2)  3) are the same for  PTX and PRX
    ; 2) Set DYNPD to 0x3F
    				bcf CSN       				 ; 
                       MOVLW B'00111100'         ; write reg 1C - DYNPD    - b'00111100' = (0x20 + 0x1C)
                       CALL SEND    
                       MOVLW B'00111111'         ; dynamic PD all channels
                       CALL SEND                 ; 
    				bsf CSN
    ; 3) Set the EN_DPL bit in the FEATURE register
    				bcf CSN       				 ; 
                       MOVLW B'00111101'         ; write reg 1D - FEATURE   - b'00111101' = (0x20 + 0x1D)
                       CALL SEND    
                       MOVLW B'00000101'         ; dynamic PD  enabled y para tx sin ack
                       CALL SEND                 ; 
    				bsf CSN
    		call 	read_fifo_status	  ;  readed value in WREG
    		movwf	Arg2   ;             bit0 EMPTY must be = 1 empty
    		call	read_status
    		movwf	Arg5		
    ; 4) Set CE high
    		bsf		CE    ;  set RF  ON  for Rx
    ; 5) Wait for the IRQ line to go low   ; no used INT for this test 
    		btfss	PORTB,0
    ;;;loop extended to some lines below;	goto	rx_wait
    ; 6) Read out the RX payload  ( IRQ low )
    		call	readPayload ;;goto
    ; 7) Repeat from 5) 
    	call	delay1ms     ; read more frecuently than Tx send 
    	;;	bcf	LED ; PORTA,2   ; 
    ;	call	delay40ms
    ;goto	rx_wait
    		call 	read_fifo_status	  ;  readed value in WREG
    		movwf	Arg3   ;             bit0 EMPTY must be = 1 empty
     goto	rx_wait
    ; required ? flush rx fifo   :+++++  empeora ++++++
    ;;	bcf CSN	
    ;;	    movlw	0xE2   ; b'11100010'
    ;;	    call	SEND
    ;;	bsf CSN
    ;goto	rx_wait
    		call 	read_fifo_status	  ;  readed value in WREG
    		movwf	Arg4   ;             bit0 EMPTY must be = 1 empty
    ;;;goto	rx_wait
    	call	read_status
    	movwf	Arg6		
    ; reset IRQ to 1  in the subrutine		
    goto	rx_wait
    ; ***************** main program end ***** subrutines below **********
    ; -----------------------------------------------------------------
    ;************************* Subrutines ******************************
    readPayload      ;; no INT for this test ;banco0     ;only for PRX
    ;;	bsf	LED	; PORTA,2   ; 		
    call	delay1ms   ; may be not needed
    	call read_status
    	movwf	Arg5
                bcf CSN	
                       MOVLW B'01100001' ;0x61 Comando SEND REQUEST READ PAYLOAD - en pag 51 el tercer comando
                       CALL SEND
                    CALL RECEIVE		; get SPI data
                      MOVWF RxDATA1   ; lee 4 datos manteniendo CSN en bajo
                    CALL RECEIVE
                      MOVWF RxDATA2
                    CALL RECEIVE
                      MOVWF RxDATA3
                    CALL RECEIVE
                      MOVWF RxDATA4                  
                bsf CSN			; cierra el /CS luego de leer 6 datos	  
        ;;;;;;;    BCF INTCON,INTF ; CLEAR RB0 INTERRUPT FLAG    bit1
    	bcf CSN
    	    movlw	b'00100111'	;  0x27 escribo en STATUS
    		call	SEND
    	    movlw	b'01110000'  ;clear flags  ;     pongo 1 en bit6 => borra flag RDb'01000000'
    		call	SEND
    	bsf CSN 
    ; show RxDATA1  counting
    	btfss	RxDATA1,0	
    	bcf LED
    	btfsc	RxDATA1,0	
    	bsf LED
    	btfss	RxDATA1,1	
    	bcf PORTA,3
    	btfsc	RxDATA1,1	
    	bsf PORTA,3
    	return	        ; RETFIE
       ; -----------------------------------------------------------------
    SEND: 	  ; procesor SPI send WREG value to NRF
    ;;;..........  wait 8 clk ........
                       GOTO $-1
    RECEIVE:    ; procesor receive SPI data from NRF
        BANKSEL SSPSTAT     ;  data was send by SPI before this sub.
    				clrf	SSP1BUF   ; con cargar o borrar este registro inicia 8 clk
    ;;;..........  wait 8 clk ........
                       GOTO $-1
    			MOVF SSP1BUF,W   ; received SPI data in WREG
    ; *********************************************************
    ;------------------------ delay  subs ------------------------------------------
    delay200ms: movlw .0   ;   
                movwf Reg1
                movlw .16     
                movwf Reg2
                movlw .5
                movwf Reg3
                decfsz Reg1,F
               goto $-1
                decfsz Reg2,F
               goto $-3
                decfsz Reg3,F
               goto $-5
    ; ---------------------------------------------------
    delay40ms:  movlw	.202  ; 
                movwf	Reg1
    	    movlw	    .208     ;  40ms    
                movwf	Reg2            
                decfsz Reg1,F
    		  goto $-1
                decfsz Reg2,F
              goto $-3           
    ; ---------------------------------------------------
    delay1ms:  movlw	.60  ;
                movwf	Reg1
    	    movlw	    .6   ;   1ms        
                movwf	Reg2            
                decfsz Reg1,F
    		  goto $-1
                decfsz Reg2,F
              goto $-3           
    ; ----------------------------------------
    delay10us: movlw	.13   ; 10us  + 1us for call/return
    			movwf	Reg1
                decfsz Reg1,F
            	goto $-1           
    ;;**************  subs for debug  ****************
    read_fifo_status:     ; lo puse para debug - se puede usar en Tx y en Rx
    	bcf	CSN ; PORTA,7
    		movlw	0x17 ; 	(para lectura de un registro no sumar 0x20)
    		call	SEND	
    		    CALL RECEIVE
    	bsf	CSN
    		    return   ; valor leido en w y está en banco0
    read_status:     ; lo puse para debug - se puede usar en Tx y en Rx
    	bcf	CSN ; PORTA,7
    		movlw	0x7 ; 	(para lectura de un registro no sumar 0x20)
    		call	SEND	
    		    CALL RECEIVE
    	bsf	CSN
    		    return   ; valor leido en w y está en banco0
    read_Regx:     ; lo puse para debug - se puede usar en Tx y en Rx
    	bcf	CSN ; PORTA,7
    	; usa el valor en  w  ; (para lectura de un registro no sumar 0x20)
    		call	SEND	
    		    CALL RECEIVE
    	bsf	CSN
    		    return   ; valor leido en w y está en banco0

    List of SPI commands needed for NRF24L01+       RF link working OK

    The regarding assembler is also attached

    With dynamic payload , no ack

    After procesor settings, with SPI at 4MHz:

    ------------------ For PTX --------------------------------

    Write Reg. Config(0) - value 01010010  ; Tx IRQ mask / no CRC /power on / PTX mode

    Write Reg. DYNPD(0x1C) - value 00111111 dyn. payload all channels

    Write Reg. FEATURE (1D) -  value 00000101   EN_DPL

    command:  flush tx fifo (0xE1) ; opcional

    ; loop
    new_payload:         ; Upload a payload
    command   tx payload , no ACK (0xB0)
    load 4 TxDATA bytes before CNS goes high   


    Set CE High  - RF = ON
    wait 20us
    Set CE Low  - RF go OFF when all the packet is sent

    wait 1ms
    ; reset IRQ line  - clear any posible flag  (but IRQ not used in PTX)
    command: 0x27 write STATUS(reg07) value 01110000

    read FIFO_STATUS
    Test bit4 Tx fifo EMPTY
    If no empty, goto retry

    ; Packet wass ent
        incf    TxDATA1,f    ;  modified data for next packet trasmition    
    ; Add a delay and repeat new_payload
        wait    200ms  ; (minimum 1ms)

    goto    new_payload  ; loop rate 4 times/ second
     --------------------- for PRX ----------------

    Write Reg. Config(0) - value 00110010  ; Set bits for: Rx IRQ mask, PWR_UP  and PRIM_RX in the CONFIG register , no CRC  , PRX mode

    Write Reg. DYNPD(0x1C) - value 00111111 dyn. payload all channels

    Write Reg. FEATURE (1D) -  value 00000101   EN_DPL

     Set CE High  ; set RF  ON  for Rx

    test    IRQ line = low ?

    if low: call readPayload  ; in the subrutine: command 0x27 (write STATUS) value 01110000
                              ; so RX_RD bit is cleared and IRQ line goes HIGH

    ;  if IRQ is high , do not read
         wait 1ms
         goto rx_wait

  • Hi 

    So everything is working fine?

    Please note that with the CRC check disabled there is a risk that you will receive packets with incorrect data, caused by bit errors in the payload. 

    With CRC enabled any packet with a bit error will be discarded, and if you have ACK and retransmits enabled the packet will be sent again. 

    Best regards

  • Thank you for your reply

    A wished to have at first some rf link working

    I make a litle more advance and added ACKand ACK + payload and it is also working

    At the end there is list of wht I had modifyed and added.

    Now I will begin with the complete system programms.

    Please comment about the following matters:

    - I guess dynamic payload  also applies to the ack payload length,

    and the Tx FIFO need to be loaded before receiving the packet    Please confirm

    - If there are Tx from two PTX devices at the same time, I guess no one will be received OK

    I think it may be needed to use diferent ARD in each PTX for avoiding the same problem in the retry

    -  I need in a big room a 15m secure link ,  Is it convenient to use 250 Kb rate or 1 Mb rate is OK ?

    The RS485 cable rate is 57600K and not too busy,  so with 250K and a processor (with buffers)  in the Rf to 485 conversion I estimated they will be no a rate problem.

    - At the RX unit, as it will have a power supply cable I can use a board with amplifier and external antena if it is necessary or the simplest available board may be OK ?

    Best Regards, Osvaldo

    -------------------- added/ modified  for  test  with ack_payload ----------------------------------


    CONFIG   01011010    (CRC enabled, 1 byte)

    FEATURE    00000111

    Data upload with command 0xA0

    wait 1ms and read Rx FIFO for payload received with ack



    CONFIG   01011011

    FEATURE    00000111

    At the end but inside of  rx_wait  loop
    Data upload with  command   10101000 (pipe number 0) for ack payload
    data value selected by a switch
    data = 0  if   PORTA,1 tied to Vcc
    data =  1111111  if   PORTA,1 tied to GND

