Help to get started with Zigbee

Hi, I want to implement a full Zigbee mesh with a coordinator and multiple router nodes for a university project and don't really know how to get started.

I have looked in the Zigbee documentation on the Connect SDK page, but can't find a way to implement simple messages. I have tried using the coordinator and template examples to send messages between them, but have had no success.

Any help is appreciated.

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    Hi Philipp,

    Schmid said:
    I tried the Tutorial at I got problems because there was no reference to Macros like "ZB_HA_DECLARE_ON_OFF_SWITCH_CLUSTER_LIST".

    I see, the tutorial is in need of some updates. It does not reflect the related changes from v2.0.0. I will report this internally to get it updated.

    The releveant change is that ZB_HA_DECLARE_ON_OFF_SWITCH_CLUSTER_LIST and other legacy HA definitions was removed in nRF Connect SDK v2.0.0. The new structure is to have an "include" directory in your project folder where device definitions are located. In NCS v2.0.0+, the new structure is used in all the ZigBee samples.

    Schmid said:
    I ended up searching for the zb_ha_on_off_switch.h and include the File in my Template. Is this the intended way or did I miss something?

    That file is not a part of NCS v2.0.0+, so compatibility can be an issue. The recommended way is to follow the same structure as the ZigBee samples, that is: you can look at the header files with the device definitions (zb_dimmable_light.h or zb_dimmer_switch.h) and place your version in a directory named "include" within your project.

    Schmid said:
    I don't think there is a Cluster for that, maybe I need to implement a custom one.
    The Data will be a List of tuples consisting of an ID and a Range Value in Meters (16 Bit per tuple, up to around 100 list entries).

    You are correct. You need to create your own cluster. In nrfxlib/zboss/production/include/zcl and nrfxlib/zboss/production/src/zcl you can look at the implementation of the existing clusters.

    Best regards,

